<p align=″justify″>The Automatic RF Techniques Group (ARFTG) is a technical organization interested in all aspects of RF and Microwave test and measurement.</p> <h3 align=″justify″> The ARFTG Experience<br></h3> <p align=″justify″>The most important part of the ARFTG experience is the opportunity to interact one–on–one with colleagues, experts and vendors of the RF and microwave test and measurement community. Whether your interests include high–throughput production or one–of–a–kind metrology measurements, complex systems or simple circuit modeling, small signal S–parameter or large–signal non–linear measurements, phase noise or noise figure, DC or lightwave, you will find a kindred spirit or maybe even an expert. </p> <p align=″justify″> There is always ample opportunity at every ARFTG conference for detailed technical discussions with others facing similar test and measurement challenges. The members of ARFTG often find that these interactions are their best source of ideas and information for their current projects. So come and join us at our next conference. You’ll find that the atmosphere is informal and friendly. </p> <h3 align=″justify″>ARFTG History<br></h3> <p align=″justify″>ARFTG was founded in 1972 to create a more cohesive voice for the RF and microwave test and measurement community to solicit support from the manufacturers of test instrumentation. In the early years, the primary focus was on instrumentation automation and calibration. Soon, however, issues such as measurement metrology, connector repeatability, noise, power measurements and CAD became common topics at every ARFTG conference. </p> <p align=″justify″>The interests of ARFTG have continued to expand with the interests of the RF and microwave test and measurement community and now include such diverse topics as: nonlinear measurements, production testing, temporal measurements, high frequency fixturing, four and six port network analysis and load pull measurements. Indeed, the broad range of ARFTG interests is reflected in the diverse nature of our recent conferences. </p> <p align=″justify″>For the last 25 years, ARFTG has been at the leading edge for the development of new RF and microwave test and measurement techniques. In 1987 ARFTG became affiliated with the <a href=″http://mtt.org/index.html″ target=″_blank″ onclick=″window.open(this.href,′mtts′,′scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=yes,width=800,height=700′);return false″>IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT–S)</a> and in 2001 became incorporated as a not–for–profit corporation. </p> <h3 align=″justify″>ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference<br></h3> <p align=″justify″>ARFTG sponsors two conferences each year. The Spring Conference is a single–day conference cosponsored with MTT–S held in June on the Friday following the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS). The Fall Conference is a two–day conference on Thursday and Friday in late November or early December, one week after the Thanksgiving holiday. Conferences are conducted in a single–track workshop style with papers on topical subjects used to stimulate further discussion and interaction. Both user and manufacturer papers are solicited and a formal digest consisting of all of the conference papers is published.</p> <h3 align=″justify″> ARFTG/NIST Measurement Short Course<br></h3> <p align=″justify″>This popular two–day course is offered by ARFTG in cooperation with National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This course is taught in a seminar style and provides both an excellent grounding in the fundamentals as well as exposure to the latest in RF and microwave test and measurement techniques taught by the experts. </p> <p align=″justify″> Basic measurements are covered on Day 1, including: a microwave measurement overview, circuit theory, vector network analysis, test fixtures, on–wafer measurements, power, and noise. Additional in–depth topics are covered on Day 2, including: phase noise, load–pull, digital modulation, and time domain techniques. Several tutorials specifically related to the conference theme are also covered on Day 2. This course is not only for young engineers just starting out but also for experienced engineers who want to broaden their expertise.</p> <h3 align=″justify″> <a href=″http://www.arftg.org/student_fellowship.html″>ARFTG Microwave Measurement Student Fellowship</a></h3> <p align=″justify″>The fellowship provides financial assistance to graduate students who show promise and interest in pursuing research related to the improvement of RF and microwave measurement techniques. Once each year a $7500 award may be granted to a deserving candidate. </p> <h3 align=″justify″><a href=″http://www.arftg.org/s_parameter_meas.html″>ARFTG S–Parameter Measurement Comparison Program</a> </h3> <p align=″justify″>This is a free service offered by ARFTG, which allows participating laboratories to compare their network analyzer measurements to those obtained from other laboratories. Laboratory confidentiality is maintained. Given the increasing emphasis on measurement assurance, this program provides a valuable, cost–effective method for validating the participant’s measurement capability.</p>
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