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<!&#8211;&#8211; InstanceBeginEditable name=&#8243;EdithMainContent&#8243; &#8211;&#8211;><br>The International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP) is an annual international forum on recent advances in both theory and applications of intelligent sensors and smart systems in diverse areas ranging from manufacturing and defence to medical science and environmental monitoring&#046; <p>The ISSNIP 2008 conference will be held in Sydney, Australia from December 15&#8211;18&#046; The conference is running under the umbrella of the <a href=&#8243;http://www&#046;ee&#046;unimelb&#046;edu&#046;au/ISSNIP/&#8243;>ARC Research Network on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing</a>&#046; </p> <p>Papers are sought addressing the theory, implementation, and applications of intelligent sensors, sensor networks, and intelligent information processing systems&#046; Topics of interest include, but not limited to, the following:<br></p> <table align=&#8243;center&#8243; border=&#8243;0&#8243; width=&#8243;96%&#8243;><tbody><tr><td>• Intelligent sensors<br>• Micro&#8211; and nano&#8211;sensors<br>• Sensor networks<br>• Sensor network security<br>• Network scheduling and optimization<br>• Localization and tracking<br>• Sensor fusion<br></td> <td>• Sensor networks in ecology<br>• Networked sensors in healthcare<br>• Surveillance and monitoring<br>• Biomimetics and Bioinformatics<br>• Intelligent Transportation systems<br>• Computational intelligence and<br>machine learning techniques</td></tr></tbody></table>