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<font color=&#8243;#ff0000&#8243; size=&#8243;4&#8243;> <p align=&#8243;justify&#8243;><b>OBJECTIVES</b></p></font> <font color=&#8243;#a8a8a8&#8243;><p align=&#8243;justify&#8243;>Emerging Technologies in various domains, including Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, Smart Materials, Micro&#8211;Electro&#8211;Mechanical Systems, Biomedical engineering as well as New Energies, all raise many issues related to thermal effects and interactions&#046; The importance of such effects is continuously increasing to a point where they become a dominant factor in determining the performance of such technologies&#046;<br>The first round, <a href=&#8243;http://www&#046;thetaconf&#046;org/index_1&#046;htm&#8243;&gt; ThETA1 </a>, was held in Cairo Jan 3rd – 6th 2007&#046; A total of 72 persons have participated from around the globe (Japan: 9; S&#046; Korea: 8; USA: 7; Canada: 4; Europe: 12; …), representing leading universities and research labs as well as Industries&#046; They have enjoyed sharing their experience (<a href=&#8243;http://www&#046;thetaconf&#046;org/WeLoveThETA&#046;pdf&#8243;&gt; see reactions</a>) in this new event&#046;<br>Parallel to the conference, a set of workshops will be conducted, aiming at disseminating advances made in different areas to the academic and industrial public in Egypt, fostering network creation with renowned international research centers as well as giving an impulse to academic/industrial cooperation&#046;</p></font> <font color=&#8243;#ff0000&#8243; size=&#8243;4&#8243;> <p align=&#8243;justify&#8243;><b>TOPICS</b></p> </font><font color=&#8243;#a8a8a8&#8243;> </font><ul><font color=&#8243;#a8a8a8&#8243;><li> Micro and nano&#8211;scale heat transfer </li><li> Modeling of multiple scale heat transfer problems </li><li> Thermal modeling of electronic systems </li><li> Temperature aware computer systems design </li><li> Cooling of electronic systems and data centers </li><li> Compact thermal models </li><li> Thermo&#8211;mechanical effects </li><li> MEMS – multi&#8211;physics problems </li><li> New and renewable energies </li><li> Solid state energy generation / cooling </li><li> Fuel cells </li><li> Energy conservation </li><li> Energy – Buildings &#8211; Environment </li><li> Multiphase flow with heat transfer </li><li> Thermal issues in biomedical engineering </li><li> Thermal issues in micro&#8211;fabrication technology </li><li> Thermal issues in new materials </li><li> Computational methods in heat transfer </li><li> Experimental methods in heat transfer </li></font></ul>