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<span style=&#8243;font&#8211;family: arial;&#8243;><font size=&#8243;&#8211;1&#8243;> Wireless communication and sensor networks occupy a very important place in creating the ubiquitous environments that would have profound influence on the society&#046; The wireless communication technologies and devices are fast converging and soon would allow the creation of a global wireless network that would be the backbone of variety of ubiquitous services&#046; Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSAN) would influence the world through their pervasive nature in remote distributive monitoring and control by taking advantage of the developments in wireless communication, Embedded systems, Semantic web, and Smart surroundings, etc&#046; Despite of its promise, many breakthroughs in power aware designs, availability of wireless channel bandwidths, etc, are needed&#046; To build large and sustainable systems, these energy and bandwidth constraints present fundamental challenges in developing intelligent, distributive, collaborative, multi&#8211;modal networked objects that sense and act in wide areas and in unattended environments&#046; The conference tries to spur these developments by bringing the researchers together to share their research, experiences and their perceptions&#046;</font></span>