<span><h2>Call for Participation and Extended Abstracts</h2> <p><a href=″http://www.his.se/upload/70120/cfpart–swift2008.pd…; orgurl=″/upload/70120/cfpart–swift2008.pdf″>Download Call for participation</a><br><a href=″http://www.his.se/upload/70120/cfp–swift2008.pdf&#…; target=″_blank″ orgurl=″/upload/70120/cfp–swift2008.pdf″>Download CFP announcement</a></p> <p>The Information Fusion Research Program at University of Skövde invites you to the Skövde Workshop on Information Fusion Topics (SWIFT) on November 4–6, 2008. </p> <p>The objective of the workshop is to gather practioners from research and industry in the area of information fusion to get a snapshot of the rapidly developing research field of information fusion and contribute to its further development by providing an arena for discussion and reflection.</p><!––<P>Information on last year′s workshop may be found at: <A href=″http://www.his.se/infofusion/swift2007″ orgurl=″http://www.his.se/infofusion/swift2007″>http://www.…; <h2>News</h2> <ul><li>2008–10–27 – <u><font color=″#800080″>Program</font></u> updated</li><li>2008–10–14 – <a href=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=4917…; orgurl=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=4917… program</a> updated with accepted contributions.</li><li>2008–10–09 – <a href=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=4917…; orgurl=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=4917… program</a> added and <a href=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=4936…; orgurl=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=4936… info</a> updated. Early registration deadline changed to Oct 17th.</li><li>2008–10–06 – Updated doc template and latex instructions for camera–ready <a href=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=5036…; orgurl=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=5036… – Added fee and payment instructions (<a href=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=4936…; orgurl=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=4936… registration page</a>)</li><!–– <LI>2008–09–18 – Updated dates for submission deadline etc. See below.</LI> <LI>2008–09–11 – New invited speaker on Infrastructure: Dr. David Lindgren from the Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI)</LI> <LI>2008–09–04 – Updated info about submissions (see below)</LI> <LI>2008–07–24 – New invited speaker: Erik Blasch, US Air Force Research Laboratory and Wright State University, USA</LI> <LI>2008–07–24 – Updated CFP</LI> ––><li>2008–06–28 – Webpage opened</li></ul> <h2>Highlights from the workshop program </h2> <p>The <a href=″http://www.his.se/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=4917…; orgurl=″/templates/vanligwebbsida2.aspx?id=49177″>program</a> includes invited talks by </p> <ul><li>Dr. James Llinas (University of Buffalo and Center for multisource information fusion, USA)</li><li>Dr. Ludmila Kuncheva (University of Wales, UK), </li><li>Dr. Erik Blasch (US Air Force Research Laboratory and Wright State University, USA), and</li><li>Dr. David Lindgren (Swedish Defense Research Agency).</li></ul> <h3>Information Fusion</h3> <p>Briefly information fusion (IF) may be defined as the synergistic use of multiple pieces of information. IF has found its use in various application fields, such as computer vision, robotics, defense, and machine learning. IF is an interdisciplinary subject and concerns a collection of methods for combining information utilizing other disciplines such as digital signal processing, estimation theory, control theory, and artificial intelligence.</p> <p>The research field of IF is not limited to the actual combination of information, but also includes the technological infrastructure of data acquisition and processing, pre–processing of data, representation of information, control of fusion processes and the acquisition of new information, and user aspects etc. </p> <h3>Submissions</h3>Topics of interest for SWIFT 2008 include, but are not limited to, <ul><li>Situation awareness and human decision–making <ul><li><em>Fusion aspects on, e.g., decision–support, information visualization, mixed–initiative interaction, HCI, user requirements</em></li></ul> </li><li>Decision and classifier fusion <ul><li><em>Approaches to represent and fuse competitive information from, e.g., classifiers</em></li></ul> </li><li>Support and infrastructure issues <ul><li><em>Middleware and architectures for fusion, pre–processing and association of observations, meta–data, sensor and information modelling</em></li></ul> </li><li>Future directions for information fusion <ul><li><em>Otherwise novel ideas for information fusion and ongoing work</em></li></ul></li></ul> <p>We are inviting authors to submit extended abstracts of 2–4 pages preferably with relation to the aforementioned topics. The abstracts may include problem descriptions, possible approaches, preliminary results, and industrial experience. </p></span><p><font size=″2″><span style=″″ lang=″EN–US″></span></font></p>
SWIFT 2008
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date