<p><font size=″2″><span style=″″ lang=″EN–US″><font size=″3″></font></span></font> </p> <p class=″style4″ align=″left″><b></b><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>ANCS is a research conference that focuses on the architecture and design of hardware and software for modern communication networks. The combination of increasing network bandwidth and expanding functionality pose continuing and growing challenges for system designers. New technology elements, including network processors, content addressable memories, multi–core processors, configurable logic and special–purpose components offer new opportunities for meeting these challenges, but also raise a variety of new issues. ANCS focuses on networking and communication in the broad sense, including novel architectures, architectural support for advanced communications systems, algorithms and protocols for advanced architectures, software and applications for next–generation networking architectures, and methodology and benchmarking for evaluating advanced communication architectures. Our emphasis this year will be on hardware and software elements in the context of systems that enable networks to evolve and scale.<br><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″><br></font>Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:<br></font> </p><ul><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>System design for future Network Architectures</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Network/communications processors</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Intelligent co–processors</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Router architectures</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Emerging Technologies (e.g., optical components, etc.)</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Switch fabrics/interconnection networks</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Link scheduling, processor/thread scheduling, switch scheduling</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Network adapters</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Application–specific networks (e.g., SAN, XML Switching)</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Programmable /extensible networks</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Secure communication</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Traffic management</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Packet classification</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Content inspection and filtering</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Energy–efficient designs</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Multi–core processors in networking</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Open platforms</font></li><li><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″>Networks on–chip<br></font></li></ul> <font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″><big><big><span style=″font–weight: bold; font–family: Helvetica,Arial,sans–serif;″>Technical Sponsors</span></big></big></font><br>ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH)<br>ACM Special Interest Group on Communications (SIGCOMM)<br>IEEE Computer Society Tech. Committee on Computer Architecture (TCCA)<br><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″><big><big><span style=″font–weight: bold; font–family: Helvetica,Arial,sans–serif;″></span></big></big></font><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″><big><big><span style=″font–weight: bold; font–family: Helvetica,Arial,sans–serif;″></span></big></big></font><span style=″font–size: 11pt;″></span><font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″><big><big><span style=″font–weight: bold; font–family: Helvetica,Arial,sans–serif;″></span></big></big></font> <p class=″MsoNormal″ style=″margin: 6pt 0in; text–align: center;″ align=″center″><span style=″font–size: 11pt;″><span style=″″></span></span><span style=″font–size: 11pt;″><comment title=″[endif]″ xmlns=″http://disruptive–innovations.com/zoo/nvu″></comment><…; <h2>Visa information for travel to the USA<a name=″VISA″></a></h2> Each author requiring a support letter for Visa applications should<br>send the following information to:<br>Laura Bucci (Bucci AT hq.acm.org)<br>Send:<br><ol><li>Name and mailing address as it appears on your passport.</li><li>The name of the conference, ″ANCS 2008″.</li><li>Your Registration Confirmation Number.</li><li>If you are the author of any papers accepted for the conference, provide the title of the paper(s).</li><li>A valid fax number and current mailing address (**Please note: visa support letters are NOT issued via email) </li></ol>
ANCS 2008
San Jose
United States
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date