ISSRE 2008
United States
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

<p><font size=&#8243;2&#8243;><span style=&#8243;&#8243; lang=&#8243;EN&#8211;US&#8243;><font size=&#8243;3&#8243;></font></span></font> </p><p>The 19th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE) will be held at Microsoft&#8242;s Conference centre in Redmond, Seattle USA&#046; ISSRE focuses on the practice and theory of software systems reliability engineering and analytics&#046; While, as always, the conference will provide an in&#8211;depth representation of both software reliability engineering (SRE) theory and experimentation&#046; This year&#8242;s strong focus will be bridging the gap between academic research and industrial use of SRE techniques&#046;</p> <h3>Conference Information</h3> <p>ISSRE 2008 will be held at Microsoft&#8242;s conference centre which is in Microsoft&#8242;s campus in Redmond, Seattle&#046; As there are limited restaurants and hotels within walking distance of the campus, we will provide transport between a small number of hotels (in different price brackets) in downtown Bellevue and the conference centre&#046; Information regarding the hotels will be publicized nearer the conference&#046; </p>