ICMLA 2008
San Diego, CA
United States
Start Date
End Date

<p><font size=&#8243;2&#8243;><span style=&#8243;&#8243; lang=&#8243;EN&#8211;US&#8243;></span></font></p> The 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (<a href=&#8243;http://www&#046;icmla&#8211;conference&#046;org/icmla08&#8243; target=&#8243;_blank&#8243;> ICMLA&#8242;08</a>) will be held at San Diego, California, USA on December 11&#8211;13, 2008&#046; The aim of the conference is to bring researchers working in the areas of machine learning and applications together&#046; The conference will cover both theoretical and experimental research results&#046; Submission of machine learning papers describing machine learning applications in fields like medicine, biology, industry, virtual environments, game playing and problem solving is strongly encouraged&#046;