TU Delft
Deadline Paper
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<P>The ARCS series of conferences has over 30 years of tradition reporting top notch results in computer architecture and operating systems research&#046; This year&#8242;s focus is put on energy awareness viewed from two different perspectives&#046; Firstly, this deals with the improvement of computer systems to be as energy&#8211;efficient as possible (particularly for specific applications)&#046; One can think of heterogeneous multi&#8211;core architectures or reconfigurable architectures for this purpose&#046; Secondly, this addresses the usage of computer systems to reduce the energy consumption of other systems, which might lead to problems of communication and cooperation&#046; Both aspects are relevant for the conference&#046; Like the previous conferences in this series, it continues to be an important forum for computer architecture research&#046;</P> <P><A href="http://www&#046;springer&#046;com/lncs"><IMG style="FLOAT: right; MARGIN&#8211;LEFT: 2em" alt=LNCS src="http://www&#046;springer&#046;com/cda/content/image/cda_displayimage&#0…; The proceedings of ARCS 2009 will be published in the Springer series <A href="http://www&#046;springer&#046;com/lncs">Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)</A>&#046; After the conference, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their contributions for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Systems Architecture&#046; Also, a best paper and a best presentation award will be presented at the conference&#046;</P> <P>Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers on one of the following topics:</P> <UL> <LI>Energy&#8211;awareness, green computing&#046;</LI> <LI>Computer architecture topics such as multi&#8211;cores, memory systems, and parallel computing&#046;</LI> <LI>Adaptive system architectures such as reconfigurable systems in hardware and software&#046;</LI> <LI>Operating Systems including but not limited to scheduling, memory management, power management, and RTOS&#046;</LI> <LI>System aspects of ubiquitous and pervasive computing such as sensor nodes, novel input/output devices, novel computing platforms, architecture modeling, and middleware&#046;</LI> <LI>Organic and Autonomic Computing including both theoretical and practical results on self&#8211;organization, self&#8211;configuration, self&#8211;optimization, self&#8211;healing, and self&#8211;protection techniques&#046;</LI> <LI>Embedded systems including but not limited to architecture, communication, design methodologies, and applications&#046;</LI> <LI>Network Centric and Grid Computing issues with a focus on middleware&#046;</LI></UL> <P>Submissions should be made through the portal to open on this website&#046; Papers should be submitted in pdf or postscript format&#046; They should be formatted according to the <A href="http://www&#046;springer&#046;de/comp/lncs/authors&#046;html">Springer LNCS style</A> and not exceed 12 pages&#046;</P> <P>Proposals for <A href="http://www&#046;ida&#046;ing&#046;tu&#8211;bs&#046;de/arcs09/?n=3">work… and tutorials</A> within the technical scope of the conference are solicited&#046; Submissions should be made through email directly to the workshops and tutorials chair <A href="mailto:haehner@sra&#046;uni&#8211;hannover&#046;de">Jörg Hähner</A>&#046;</P>