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<p class=&#8243;MsoNormal&#8243; style=&#8243;text&#8211;align: justify;&#8243;><span style=&#8243;font&#8211;size: 10pt; font&#8211;family: Arial;&#8243;>The 16<sup>th</sup> Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW 2009) will be held in Rome, Italy in May 2009&#046; RAW 2009 is associated with the 23<sup>rd</sup> Annual International Parallel &amp; Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2009) and is sponsored by the IEEE Computers Society&#8242;s Technical Committee on Parallel Processing&#046; The workshop is one of the major meetings for researchers to present ideas, results, and on&#8211;going research on both theoretical and practical advances in Reconfigurable Computing&#046;</span></p> <p style=&#8243;margin: 6pt &#8211;23&#046;8pt 6pt 0in; text&#8211;align: justify;&#8243;><b><span style=&#8243;font&#8211;size: 11pt; font&#8211;family: Arial; color: rgb(0, 0, 153);&#8243;>Run&#8211;Time Reconfiguration &amp; Adaptive Computing: Architectures, Algorithms, Technologies</span></b></p> <span style=&#8243;font&#8211;size: 10pt; font&#8211;family: Arial;&#8243;>Run&#8211;Time and Dynamic Reconfiguration are characterized by the ability of underlying hardware architectures or devices to rapidly alter (on the fly) the functionalities of its components and the interconnection between them to suit the problem&#046; Key to this ability is reconfiguration handling and speed&#046; Though theoretical models and algorithms for them have established reconfiguration as a very powerful computing paradigm, practical considerations make these models difficult to realize&#046; On the other hand, commercially available devices (such as FPGAs and new coarse&#8211;/multi&#8211;grain devices) appear to have more room for exploiting run&#8211;time reconfiguration (RTR)&#046; An appropriate mix of the theoretical foundations of dynamic reconfiguration, and practical considerations, including architectures, technologies and tools supporting RTR is essential to fully reveal and exploit the possibilities created by this powerful computing paradigm&#046; RAW 2009 aims to provide a forum for creative and productive interaction between all these disciplines&#046;</span>