Deadline Paper
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End Date

<p> We would like to invite you to present a session at this leading software development conference&#046; </p> <p> Leading a session is a highly rewarding experience: the lively and highly engaged atmosphere of the event means that, even as a speaker, you are likely to greatly enhance your understanding of the topic you are exploring&#046; </p> <p> We have a long tradition of high quality sessions covering many aspects of software development, from programming languages (e&#046;g&#046;, C, C++, Java, C#, Ruby, Groovy, Python, Erlang, Haskell, etc&#046;), and technologies (libraries, frameworks, databases, etc&#046;) to subjects about the wider development environment such as development process, design, analysis, patterns, project management, and softer aspects such as team building, communication and leadership&#046; </p> <p> In particular, this year we are going to have a special track on patterns&#8211;&#8211;design, organizational, etc&#046;, as long as they are related with software development&#046; We are interested in experience reports, techniques, lessons learned, etc&#046; </p> <p> Sessions may be either tutorial&#8211;based, presentations of case studies, or take the form of interactive workshops&#046; We are always open to novel formats, so please contact us with your idea&#046; The standard length of a session is 90 minutes, with some exceptions&#046; In order to allow less experienced speakers to speak at the conference without the pressure of filling a full 90 minutes, we reserve a number of shorter 45 minute sessions&#046; This year we are going to have also some lightning talks, which are presentations of a maximum duration of 5 minutes (more information about this format at http://perl&#046;plover&#046;com/lt/osc2003/lightning&#8211;talks&#046;…)&#046; </p> <p> If you would like to run a session please let us know by emailing your proposals to conference@accu&#046;org by the 20th of October 2008 at the latest&#046; Please include the following to support your proposal: </p><ul><li>Title (a working title if necessary)</li><li>Type (tutorial, workshop, case study, etc&#046;)</li><li>Duration (45/90 min)</li><li>Speaker name(s)</li><li>Speaker biography (max 150 words)</li><li>Description (approx 250 words)</li></ul> If you are interested in knowing more about the conference you may like to consult the website for previous years&#8242; editions at www&#046;accu&#046;org/conference for background information&#046; <p> Speakers running one or more full 90 minute sessions receive a special conference attendance package including free attendance, and assistance with their travel and accommodation costs&#046; Speakers filling a 45 minute slot qualify for free conference attendance on the day of their session&#046; </p> <p> The conference has always benefited from the strength of its programme, making it the highlight of the year for many attendees&#046; Please help us make 2009 another successful event&#046; </p>