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<pre>SCOPE AND MOTIVATION<br>The Iberoamerican Conference on Requirements Engineering and Software<br>Environments, IDEAS, was conceived to stimulate and facilitate the<br>exchange of knowledge and experience, and to narrow the relations among<br>Iberoamerican research groups working in diverse areas of Software<br>Engineering&#046; IDEAS provides a forum that aims at allowing researchers,<br>educators and professionals to present and discuss the most recent works<br>in several fields of Information Technologies and Computation Theories&#046;<br>The first IDEAS was hosted in 1998 in Torres, Brazil&#046; Since then, the<br>event has successfully taken place in San Jose&#8211;Costa Rica (IDEAS&#8242;99),<br>Cancun&#8211;Mexico (IDEAS&#8242;00), Heredia&#8211;Costa Rica (IDEAS&#8242;01), LaHabana&#8211;Cuba<br>(IDEAS&#8242;02), Asuncion&#8211;Paraguay (IDEAS&#8242;03), Arequipa&#8211;Peru (IDEAS&#8242;04),<br>Valparaiso&#8211;Chile (IDEAS&#8242;05), La Plata&#8211;Argentina (IDEAS&#8242;06), Isla de<br>Margarita&#8211;Venezuela (IDEAS&#8242;07) and Recife&#8211;Brazil (IDEAS&#8242;08)&#046;<br>IDEAS&#8242;09 will be hosted in Medellín, Colombia, and is organized by the<br>Engineering School (Escuela de Ingeniería) of the EAFIT University&#046; This<br>conference will feature article presentations, tutorial courses, invited<br>lectures, and meetings of research groups with similar interests&#046; IDEAS<br>welcomes articles in Portuguese, Spanish or English, at international<br>level, thereby allowing a bigger interaction between researchers of<br>different Iberoamerican countries&#046;<br>TOPICS<br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br>* Agent&#8211;Oriented Software Development<br>* Aspect&#8211;Oriented Software Development<br>* Automated Program Generation<br>* Case Studies, Experiences, and Experimental Studies in Software Engineering<br>* Component&#8211;Based Software Development<br>* Domain Specific Languages<br>* Formal Methods in Software Engineering<br>* Languages, Methods, Processes and Tools<br>* Market&#8211;Driven Software Development<br>* Model&#8211;Driven development, Metamodels<br>* Ontologies for Software Engineering<br>* Peer&#8211;to&#8211;peer Systems<br>* Quality Estimation, Assurance and Evaluation<br>* Requirements Engineering<br>* Service Oriented Architectures (SOA)<br>* Software Architectures<br>* Software Evolution and Maintenance<br>* Software Product Lines<br>* Software Reengineering<br>* Software Reusability<br>* Standardization in Software Engineering<br>* Testing, Verification and Validation<br>* Web Engineering<br>* Web Services<br>PAPER SUBMISSION<br>IDEAS&#8242;09 accepts original papers related to the topics of the event&#046;<br>Submissions should be up to 14 pages long in Springer LNCS format<br>(<a href=&#8243;http://www&#046;springer&#046;de/comp/lncs/authors&#046;html&#8243;>htt…;) and should be<br>electronically submitted via the IDEAS web site before &#8243;1 November 2008&#8243;&#046;<br>Submissions can be full papers addressing any of the topics of the<br>conference, or short papers of 6 pages, describing ongoing research<br>projects at academic or development environments&#046; All papers must be<br>written in English, Spanish or Portuguese, and they will be formally peer<br>reviewed and evaluated according to their originality, relevance,<br>technical quality, and adequacy to the conference topics&#046; The best<br>IDEAS&#8242;09 paper will be awarded during the event&#046; Moreover, a selection of<br>the papers accepted at IDEAS&#8242;09 will be published into a special issue of<br>an international journal&#046;<br>In addition to scientific and experience reports, the conference will host<br>tutorials&#046; Proposals must be submitted electronically via e&#8211;mail in PDF&#046;<br>The tutorial submission should not exceed five pages&#046; The submission<br>content should include the following: title; abstract (200 words);<br>keywords; presenters (name, e&#8211;mail address, affiliation, address, and a<br>brief biography); tutorial objectives; target audience&#046; Proposals should<br>be sent to Antonio Brogi (brogi@di&#046;unipi&#046;it) and João Araújo<br>(ja@di&#046;fct&#046;unl&#046;pt) before the November 1, 2008 deadline&#046;</pre><p>&#046; </p>