Hilton San Francisco, San Francisco
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<h2>SHORT COURSES:</h2> <p>The IEDM sponsors two short courses on Sunday, December 14, from 9 a&#046;m&#046; to 5:30 p&#046;m&#046; The courses are &#8243;22nm CMOS Technology” and “More Than Moore: Technologies for Functional Diversification&#046;&#8243; Lectures will start with introductory material for the general audience and progress towards description of the latest developments&#046;<!&#8211;&#8211;<a href=&#8243;courses&#046;html&#8243;>CLICK HERE</a> for the full short course descriptions&#046;</p> <h2>TECHNICAL PROGRAM:</h2> <p><a href=&#8243;program&#046;html&#8243;>CLICK HERE</a> for full technical program description&#046;</p> &#8211;&#8211;> </p><p><b>IEDM LUNCHEON:</b> The IEDM luncheon featuring a presentation by Prof&#046; Jim Plummer of Stanford University on &#8243;A Life in Semiconductors&#8243; and will be held on Tuesday, December 16, at 12:20 p&#046;m&#046; in the Grand Ballroom&#046; Luncheon tickets are available through Advance Registration or on&#8211;site at a cost of $45&#046;00 to conference attendees only&#046; </p> <p><b>EVENING DISCUSSIONS:</b> On Tuesday evening, December 16, beginning at 8:00 p&#046;m&#046;, the IEDM will offer one evening Panel Discussion and one Special Evening Session both on timely issues&#046;</p> <p>Panel Discussion &#8211; &#8243;The future of fabs &#8211; for who, for what, and for how much?&#8243;<br>Special Evening Session &#8211; &#8243;ISSCC Highlights at IEDM&#8243; </p> <p>TO PERMIT SPONTANEOUS AND CANDID DISCUSSION, NO VERBATIM RECORDING BY TAPE OR CAMERA WILL BE PERMITTED IN ANY PANEL DISCUSSION&#046;</p>