<p class=″EC_MsoNormal″ style=″margin–bottom: 3pt; margin–left: 0cm; line–height: normal; margin–right: 0cm; text–align: justify;″><span style=″font–size: 8pt;″ lang=″EN–US″> </span></p> <p class=″EC_MsoNormal″ style=″margin–bottom: 6pt; margin–left: 0cm; line–height: normal; margin–right: 0cm; text–align: justify;″><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>The 19<sup>th</sup> European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design will consist of tutorials, plenary lectures, regular, special and poster sessions focusing on recent trends and advances on all aspects of:</span></p> <p class=″EC_MsoNormal″ style=″margin–bottom: 3pt; line–height: normal; text–align: justify;″><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″> </span><span style=″font–size: 9pt; font–family: Symbol;″ lang=″EN–US″>¨</span><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>Circuits </span><span style=″font–size: 9pt; font–family: Symbol;″ lang=″EN–US″>¨</span><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>Systems </span><span style=″font–size: 9pt; font–family: Symbol;″ lang=″EN–US″>¨</span><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>Signals</span></p> <p class=″EC_MsoNormal″ style=″margin–bottom: 6pt; margin–left: 22.95pt; line–height: normal; margin–right: 0cm; text–align: justify;″><span style=″font–size: 9pt; font–family: Symbol;″ lang=″EN–US″>¨</span><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>Mathematical Methods </span><span style=″font–size: 9pt; font–family: Symbol;″ lang=″EN–US″>¨</span><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>Computational Methods </span><span style=″font–size: 9pt; font–family: Symbol;″ lang=″EN–US″>¨</span><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>Applications</span></p> <p class=″EC_MsoNormal″ style=″margin–bottom: 6pt; line–height: normal; text–align: justify;″><b><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>Best Paper Award</span></b></p> <p class=″EC_MsoNormal″ style=″margin–bottom: 6pt; line–height: normal; text–align: justify;″><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>A prize will be awarded to the best paper presented during the conference. The selection will be based on referees’ reports and the decision will be made jointly by the ECS Council and ECCTD–2009 Organizing Committee considering the scientific contribution and originality of the paper.</span></p> <p class=″EC_MsoNormal″ style=″margin–bottom: 6pt; line–height: normal; text–align: justify;″><b><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>Best Student Paper Awards</span></b></p> <p class=″EC_MsoNormal″ style=″margin–bottom: 6pt; line–height: normal; text–align: justify;″><span style=″font–size: 9pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>Any M.Sc. or Ph. D student who is the sole or first co–author of an accepted paper with her/his advisors and co–advisors can apply for the student paper award. The student has to be registered, have proof of his status, attend the conference and present the paper. The evaluation will be based on referees’ reports and the decision will be made jointly by the ECS Council and ECCTD–2009 Organizing Committee.</span></p>
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date