Deadline Paper
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<p>The purpose of this workshop is to promote the use of models in the engineering process of software and software&#8211;intensive systems&#046; In particular, we are interested in the exchange of innovative technical ideas and experiences related to modeling: modeling notations, abstractions and modeling strategies, use of models, and so on&#046; The main goal is the exchange of innovative ideas on the use of models in software engineering and to further promote cross&#8211;fertilization between the modeling communities (e&#046;g&#046;, MODELS) and software&#8211;engineering communities&#046; </p><p>This workshop will provide a forum for discussing the challenges associated with modeling software and with incorporating modeling practices into the software development process&#046; We are interested in model&#8211;related research topics at all levels of the software development, including use of models during software execution&#046; A list of topics includes: </p> <ul><li> Modeling notations and tools </li><li> Metamodeling </li><li> Abstractions and modeling methodologies </li><li> Model&#8211;based analyses </li><li> Model transformation and composition </li><li> Model evaluation </li><li> Model management </li><li> Extracting models from software artifacts (e&#046;g&#046;, program understanding) </li><li> Use of models for downstream activities (e&#046;g&#046;, generating test cases, using models at runtime) </li><li> Empirical studies </li><li> Domain&#8211;specific modeling </li><li> Further uses of modeling </li></ul>