<p>The purpose of this workshop is to promote the use of models in the engineering process of software and software–intensive systems. In particular, we are interested in the exchange of innovative technical ideas and experiences related to modeling: modeling notations, abstractions and modeling strategies, use of models, and so on. The main goal is the exchange of innovative ideas on the use of models in software engineering and to further promote cross–fertilization between the modeling communities (e.g., MODELS) and software–engineering communities. </p><p>This workshop will provide a forum for discussing the challenges associated with modeling software and with incorporating modeling practices into the software development process. We are interested in model–related research topics at all levels of the software development, including use of models during software execution. A list of topics includes: </p> <ul><li> Modeling notations and tools </li><li> Metamodeling </li><li> Abstractions and modeling methodologies </li><li> Model–based analyses </li><li> Model transformation and composition </li><li> Model evaluation </li><li> Model management </li><li> Extracting models from software artifacts (e.g., program understanding) </li><li> Use of models for downstream activities (e.g., generating test cases, using models at runtime) </li><li> Empirical studies </li><li> Domain–specific modeling </li><li> Further uses of modeling </li></ul>
Deadline Paper
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