<pre>Event–based systems are rapidly gaining importance in many application<br>domains ranging from real time monitoring systems in production,<br>logistics and networking to complex event processing in finance<br>and security. The event based paradigm has gathered momentum as<br>witnessed by efforts in areas including publish/subscribe systems,<br>event–driven architectures, complex event processing, business<br>process management and modeling, Grid computing, Web services<br>notifications, information dissemination, event stream processing,<br>and message–oriented middleware. The various communities dealing<br>with event based systems have made progress in different aspects<br>of the problem. The DEBS conference attempts to bring together<br>researchers and practitioners active in the various sub communities<br>to share their views and reach a common understanding. The scope of<br>the conference covers all topics relevant to event–based computing<br>ranging from those discussed in related disciplines (e.g., coordination,<br>software engineering, peer–to–peer systems, Grid computing, and streaming<br>databases), over domain–specific topics of event–based computing<br>(e.g., workflow management systems, mobile computing, pervasive/ubiquitous<br>computing, sensor networks, user interfaces, component integration,<br>Web services, and embedded systems), to enterprise related topics<br>(e.g., complex event detection, enterprise application integration,<br>real time enterprises, and Web services notifications).<br>The topics addressed by the conference include (but are not limited to):<br>Models, Architectures and Paradigms<br>* Event–driven architectures<br>* Basic interaction models<br>* Event algebras, event schemas and type systems<br>* Languages for event correlation and patterns, streaming and<br>continuous queries, data fusion<br>* Models for static and dynamic environments<br>* Complex event processing<br>* Design and programming methodologies<br>* Event–based business process management and modeling<br>* Experimental methodologies<br>* Performance modeling and prediction based on analytic approaches<br>Middleware for Event–Based Computing<br>* Federated event–based systems<br>* Middleware for actuator and sensor networks<br>* Algorithms and protocols<br>* Event dissemination based on p2p systems<br>* Context and location awareness<br>* Fault–tolerance, reliability, availability, and recovery<br>* Security issues<br>* (Self–)Management<br>* Mobility and resource constrained device support<br>* Streaming queries, transformations, or correlation engines<br>Applications, Experiences, and Requirements<br>* Use cases and applications of event–based systems<br>* Real–world application deployments using event–based middleware<br>* Domain–specific deployments of event–based systems<br>* Real–world data characterizing event–based applications<br>* Benchmarks, performance evaluations, and testbeds<br>* Application requirements for next–generation event–based solutions<br>* Relation to other architectures<br>* Enterprise application integration<br>* Event–driven business process management<br>* Information logistics<br>* Seamless integration of event–based mechanisms into middleware<br>platforms<br></pre>
Vanderbilt University, Nashville
United States
Deadline Paper
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