<P><SPAN style=″COLOR: orange″>CCGrid 2009</SPAN> is the ninth in a series of successful international conferences and for the first time will take place in China. The conference will be held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai, which is located along the coast of the East China Sea and the southern banks of the mouth of the Yangtze River. Grid Computing started as a generalization of Cluster Computing, promising to deliver large scale levels of parallelism to high–performance applications by crossing administrative boundaries. Currently, Grid technology is establishing the way out of the academic incubator and into industry environments. The goal of <SPAN style=″COLOR: orange″>CCGrid 2009</SPAN> is to serve as an international forum for researchers and practitioners to present their innovative ideas and experiences in the multi–faceted areas of Cluster and Grid computing including emerging areas such as Cloud Computing. The areas of interest include, but are not limited to the following: </P> <DIV style=″HEIGHT: 10px″></DIV> <UL class=blue> <LI>Cluster technologies <LI>Grid Architectures and Systems <LI>Utility Computing Models for Clusters and Grids <LI>Grid Economies and Service Architectures <LI>Service Composition and Orchestration <LI>Middleware for Clusters and Grids <LI>Parallel and Wide–Area File Systems <LI>Peer–to–Peer Systems <LI>Cloud Computing <LI>Community and collaborative computing networks <LI>Grid Trust and Security <LI>Support for Autonomic Grid Infrastructure <LI>Resource Management <LI>Scheduling and Load Balancing <LI>Programming Models, Tools, and Environments <LI>Performance Evaluation and Modeling <LI>Grid–based Problem Solving Environments <LI>Scientific, Engineering, and Commercial Applications</LI></UL>
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