<div style=″text–align: left;″><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–weight: bold;″>The IEEE Technical Committee on Systems Packaging (TC–SP) wishes to invite you to its 11<sup>th</sup> European Workshop. Our goal is to view all types of packaged electronics from the macro perspective with emphasis on the overall technical system attributes, choices and challenges. This includes the product specifications, system architecture, technologies, electrical performance, power design and thermal management. We approach the product characteristics by focusing on all levels of packaging as the ″glue″ that holds the entire hardware system together. Consequently, designing the total package requires an intimate knowledge of all the technologies that go into the final product. This perspective leads to a broad knowledge of what′s going on in all aspects of the worldwide electronics industry. So if you can′t go to all the sub–specialty conferences and you want an in–depth big picture view of the latest developments in the field of electronics, you should seriously consider attending this workshop.</span><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–weight: bold;″></span></span></span><br><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–weight: bold;″></span></span></span><br><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–weight: bold;″>The workshop will be conducted in English. It will be held at the </span><a style=″font–weight: bold;″ href=″http://www.tridenthotel.com/″>Trident Hotel</a><span style=″font–weight: bold;″>. Program, hotel and registration information can be found at this website as it becomes available. The committee is looking forward to your participation.</span></span></span><br><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–weight: bold;″></span></span></span><br><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–weight: bold;″>Session Topics are:</span></span></span><br style=″font–weight: bold;″> <span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″><span style=″font–weight: bold;″></span></span></span> </div> <ul style=″font–weight: bold; text–align: left;″><ul><ul><li><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″>Smart Systems<br></span></li><li><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″>Biomedical Systems<br></span></li><li><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″>Communications Sytems<br></span></li><li><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″>Photonics<br></span></li><li><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″></span><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial;″ lang=″EN–GB″>High Performance Computing</span></li></ul></ul></ul> <span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial; font–weight: bold;″ lang=″EN–GB″></span><br><span style=″font–size: 12pt; font–family: Arial; font–weight: bold;″ lang=″EN–GB″>Please feel free to contact <a href=″mailto:alan.mathewson@tyndall.ie″>Alan Mathewson</a>, the Program Chair, for additional information.</span>
Start Date
End Date