<p> The <a href=″http://www.ieee–security.org/CSFWweb/″ target=″main″>IEEE Computer Security Foundations (CSF) series</a> brings together researchers in computer science to examine foundational issues in computer security. Over the past two decades, many seminal papers and techniques have been presented first at CSF. <a href=″http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/impact.html″ target=″main″>CiteSeer</a> lists CSF as 38th out of more than 1200 computer science venues (top 3.11%) in impact based on citation frequency. <a href=″http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/stats/venues?y=2007″ target=″main″>CiteSeerX</a> lists CSF 2007 as 7th out of 581 computer science venues (top 1.2%) in impact based on citation frequency. </p> <p> CSF was originally a Workshop, the IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW). CSF was upgraded to a Symposium in 2006. </p> <p>CSF–22 will be held at <a href=″http://www.danfords.com/″ target=″main″>Danfords</a> in <a href=″http://www.portjeff.com/″ target=″main″>Port Jefferson</a>, New York, USA. </p> <p> We gratefully acknowledge the support of <a href=″http://www.stonybrook.edu/″>Stony Brook University,</a> <a href=″http://www.cs.stonybrook.edu/csf09/main.html″ http:=″″ www.cs.stonybrook.edu=″″>Computer Science Department</a> and <a href=″http://www.cewit.org/″>CEWIT</a>. </p>
Port Jefferson
United States
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