Atlantic City, NJ
United States
Start Date
End Date

<b>VisWeek 2009</b> is the premier forum for data and information visualization advances for academia, government, and industry&#046; This event brings together researchers and practitioners with a shared interest in tools, techniques, and technology&#046; The conferences and symposium will include an exciting and informative collection of workshops, tutorials, papers, panels, demonstrations, posters, and exhibitions&#046; We invite you to participate in the <a href=&#8243;http://vis&#046;computer&#046;org/VisWeek2009/vis/&#8243;>IEEE Visualization Conference</a> (<b>IEEE Vis</b>), the <a href=&#8243;http://vis&#046;computer&#046;org/VisWeek2009/infovis/&#8243;>IEEE Information Visualization Conference</a> (<b>IEEE InfoVis</b>) and the <a href=&#8243;http://vis&#046;computer&#046;org/VisWeek2009/vast/&#8243;>IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology</a> (<b>IEEE VAST</b>) by sharing your research, insights, experience, and enthusiasm in Atlantic City, New Jersey, from October 11 &#8211; 16, 2009&#046;<br>Given the integrated nature of <b>VisWeek 2009</b> among its constituent conferences and symposiums, there will be many opportunities for the field of Visualization to grow and mature in new and exciting ways&#046;