<pre>SAMOS is a premier and well–established symposium on embedded<br>> systems organized annually since 2001. The symposium brings<br>> together researchers from academia and industry on the quiet<br>> and inspiring northern mountainside of the Mediterranean<br>> island of Samos. It provides an environment where<br>> collaboration rather than competition is fostered.<br>><br>> The symposium comprises two co–located events:<br>><br>> * International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems:<br>> Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation (IC–SAMOS)<br>><br>> The conference considers new state–of–the–art mature research<br>> papers on all aspects of embedded processor hardware/software<br>> design and integration. The IC–SAMOS is an IEEE co–sponsored<br>> conference and the conference proceedings will be published in the<br>> IEEE series.<br>><br>> * International Workshop on Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and<br>> Simulation (SAMOS Workshop)<br>><br>> The workshop considers state–of–the–art research papers as well as<br>> papers on ongoing work with promising preliminary results.<br>> Positional and in–depth review papers are also considered.<br>> Furthermore, the workshop covers additional topics compared to<br>> IC–SAMOS that are complementary to processing and necessary to build<br>> embedded systems, e.g., sensor systems. The workshop proceedings<br>> will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series (PENDING).<br>><br>> The IC–SAMOS topics of interest are: (but not limited to)<br>><br>> * Application–specific/Domain–specific Embedded Systems<br>> * Profiling, Measurement and Analysis Techniques for Embedded Systems<br>> * Hardware/Software Co–design<br>> * Design Space Exploration<br>> * System–Level Design, Simulation, and Verification<br>> * Embedded Reconfigurable Processors<br>> * Multimedia and Graphics Architectures<br>> * Energy–Aware and Low–Power Processors<br>> * Embedded Parallel Systems<br>> * Application Specifications and Modeling for Embedded Systems<br>> * Memory Management, Smart Caches, and Compiler Controlled Memories<br>> * Design, Specification and Synthesis of Embedded Systems<br>> * Compilers and Mapping Technologies<br>> * Multi–threaded Processors<br>> * Computer Aided Design<br>> * Specification Languages and Models<br>> * Processor Simulation Technologies<br>> * Novel Architectures and Micro–architectures for Embedded Systems<br>> * Network–on–Chip Platforms<br>> * Multi–Processor Systems–on–Chip<br>> * Digital Signal Processors<br>><br>> The SAMOS Workshop covers the following topics: (but not limited to)<br>><br>> * System–Level Design, Simulation and Verification<br>> * Multimedia and Graphics Architectures<br>> * Embedded Software<br>> * Hardware/Software Co–design<br>> * Design Space Exploration<br>> * Sensor Systems<br>> * Sensor Networks<br>> * Profiling, Measurement, and Analysis Techniques for Embedded Systems<br>> * Embedded System Integration and Testing<br>> * Energy–Aware and Low–Power Processors<br>> * Novel Architectures and Micro–architectures for Embedded Systems<br>> * Application Specifications and Modeling for Embedded Systems<br>> * Processor Simulation Technologies<br>> * Compilers and Mapping Technologies<br>> * Computer Aided Design<br>> * Component–based Design and Analysis<br>> * Physical Design<br>> * Application–specific Systems (e.g., automotive)<br>> * Implantable Systems<br>> * Specification Languages and Models<br>> * Applications of Embedded Systems<br>> * Network–on–Chip Platforms<br>> * Multi–Processor Systems–on–Chip<br>> * Programming models for multi–processor embedded systems<br>> * Embedded Parallel Systems<br>> * Networked Embedded Systems and Security<br>> * Embedded System–on–a–Chip Implementations<br>> * Multi–threaded Processors<br>> * High–Level, Architectural, and System–Level Synthesis<br>> * Software Defined Radios<br>> * Digital Signal Processors<br>> * Performance Analysis of Embedded Systems<br>> * Embedded Operating Systems<br>> * Real–time Embedded Systems<br>> * Memory Management, Smart Caches, and Compiler Controlled Memories<br>> * Embedded Reconfigurable Processors<br>> * Reliable and Trustworthy Embedded Systems<br>><br>> Within the SAMOS 2009 Workshop, four special sessions will be<br>> organized<br>> on:<br>><br>> * Instruction–set Customization<br>> * Open Dataflow – Tools and Applications<br>> * The Future of Reconfigurable Computing and Processor Architectures<br>> * Mastering Cell BE and GPU Execution Platforms<br>><br>><br>> IC–SAMOS Organization:<br>> * General Chair<br>> Walid Najjar, University of California Riverside, US<br>> * Program Chair<br>> Michael J. Schulte, University of Wisconsin–Madison, US<br>> * Steering Committee:<br>> H. Blume, University of Hannover, DE<br>> W. Luk, Imperial College, GB<br>> W. Najjar, University of California Riverside, US<br>> O. Silvé–š, University of Oulu, FI<br>> J. Teich, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, DE<br>><br>> SAMOS Workshop Organization:<br>> * General Chairs<br>> Nikitas Dimopoulos, University of Victoria, CA<br>> Stephan Wong, Delft University of Technology, NL<br>> * Program Chairs<br>> Koen Bertels, Delft University of Technology, NL<br>> Cristina Silvano, Politecnico di Milano, IT<br>> * Steering Committee:<br>> L. Carro, UFRGS, BR<br>> E. Deprettere, Leiden University, NL<br>> N. Dimopoulos, University of Victoria, CA<br>> T. D. Hé‹—é‹–é‹“nen, Tampere University of Technology, FI<br>> S. Wong, TU Delft, NL<br>><br>> SAMOS Symposium Board:<br>> S. Bhattacharyya, University of Maryland, US<br>> G.N. Gaydadijev, TU Delft, NL<br>> J. Glossner, Sandbridge Technologies, US<br>> A.D. Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL<br>> J. Takala, Tampere University of Technology, FI (chairperson)</pre>
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