Per Com
United States
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date

<h3 style=&#8243;margin&#8211;left: 6px; margin&#8211;right: 6px;&#8243; align=&#8243;center&#8243;><font><font><font color=&#8243;maroon&#8243; face=&#8243;verdana, Helvetica, sans&#8211;serif&#8243; size=&#8243;5&#8243;><font color=&#8243;blue&#8243;>EEE PerCom, now in its seventh year, is established as the worldwide premier scholarly venue in the areas of pervasive computing and communications&#046; Since 2003, the conference has grown significantly in terms of quality and variety of the technical programs &#8211; it is recognized as a top tier conference by most universities and organizations across the world&#046;<br>The conference boasts many workshops that have become popular and prestigious in the community&#046; The Mark Weiser Best Paper award sponsored by Elsevier Publications is the most prestigious annual research paper award given in pervasive computing&#046; The best of the best technical papers from PerCom are published in a special issue of the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal&#046; Demonstration sessions at PerCom show case the very best working prototypes&#046; Recently introduced events such as the Work&#8211;in&#8211;Progress Posters and the PhD Forum are already high quality events with a very competitive acceptance process&#046;<br>PerCom 2009 will provide a high profile, leading edge forum for researchers and engineers alike to present state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art research in the respective fields of pervasive computing and communications&#046; The conference will feature a diverse mixture of presentation forums including core technical sessions, several targeted workshops, demonstrations, keynote speeches and panel discussions from domain experts&#046; The conference will take place in the exotic Texas island of Galveston&#046; Galveston is located in the Gulf of Mexico, just half an hour south of Houston with easy and quick access to an international and a local airport around Houston&#046; The conference hotels and venue are directly adjacent to the sea shore&#046; The PerCom Organizing Committee invites you to an enjoyable and productive week in Galveston, accompanied by great spring weather, palm trees, and the ocean breeze&#046; </font></font></font></font></h3>