<h3 style=″margin–left: 6px; margin–right: 6px;″ align=″center″><font><font><font color=″maroon″ face=″verdana, Helvetica, sans–serif″ size=″5″><font color=″blue″>EEE PerCom, now in its seventh year, is established as the worldwide premier scholarly venue in the areas of pervasive computing and communications. Since 2003, the conference has grown significantly in terms of quality and variety of the technical programs – it is recognized as a top tier conference by most universities and organizations across the world.<br>The conference boasts many workshops that have become popular and prestigious in the community. The Mark Weiser Best Paper award sponsored by Elsevier Publications is the most prestigious annual research paper award given in pervasive computing. The best of the best technical papers from PerCom are published in a special issue of the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal. Demonstration sessions at PerCom show case the very best working prototypes. Recently introduced events such as the Work–in–Progress Posters and the PhD Forum are already high quality events with a very competitive acceptance process.<br>PerCom 2009 will provide a high profile, leading edge forum for researchers and engineers alike to present state–of–the–art research in the respective fields of pervasive computing and communications. The conference will feature a diverse mixture of presentation forums including core technical sessions, several targeted workshops, demonstrations, keynote speeches and panel discussions from domain experts. The conference will take place in the exotic Texas island of Galveston. Galveston is located in the Gulf of Mexico, just half an hour south of Houston with easy and quick access to an international and a local airport around Houston. The conference hotels and venue are directly adjacent to the sea shore. The PerCom Organizing Committee invites you to an enjoyable and productive week in Galveston, accompanied by great spring weather, palm trees, and the ocean breeze. </font></font></font></font></h3>
Per Com
United States
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