<p style=″margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text–indent: 18pt; line–height: 14pt; text–align: justify;″> </p> <p style=″margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text–indent: 18pt; line–height: 14pt; text–align: justify;″><font size=″3″><strong><span style=″font–weight: normal; color: black;″ lang=″EN–US″><font face=″宋体″>2009 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation (ICMTMA2009)</font></span></strong><b style=″″><span style=″color: black; font–family: ′Times New Roman′;″ lang=″EN–US″> </span></b><span style=″color: black; font–family: ′Times New Roman′;″ lang=″EN–US″>will be held<b style=″″> </b><strong><span style=″font–weight: normal;″>on 11–12 Aprial, <st1:chmetcnv unitname=″in″ sourcevalue=″2009″ hasspace=″True″ negative=″False″ numbertype=″1″ tcsc=″0″ w:st=″on″>2009 in</st1:chmetcnv> <st1:place w:st=″on″><st1:city w:st=″on″>Zhangjiajie</st1:city>, <st1:country–region w:st=″on″>China</st1:country–region></st1:place>.</span></strong></span><span style=″font–family: ′Times New Roman′;″ lang=″EN–US″> ICMTMA 2009 aims to provide a high–level international forum for scientists, engineers, and educators to present the state of the art of intelligent measuring technology and mechatronics automation research and applications in diverse fields.</span></font><span style=″font–size: 10pt; color: black; font–family: Verdana;″ lang=″EN–US″> </span><font size=″3″><span style=″color: black; font–family: ′Times New Roman′;″ lang=″EN–US″>The standard number of pages is 4 and the maximum page limit is 6 pages with extra payment for the 2 extra pages beyond the 4 pages.</span></font></p> <p style=″margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; text–indent: 18pt; line–height: 14pt; text–align: justify;″><font size=″3″><span style=″color: black; font–family: ′Times New Roman′;″ lang=″EN–US″></span><span style=″font–family: ′Times New Roman′;″ lang=″EN–US″></span></font> </p> <p style=″margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; line–height: 14pt; text–align: justify;″><span style=″font–family: ′Times New Roman′;″ lang=″EN–US″><font size=″3″><span style=″″> </span><span style=″″> </span><span style=″″> </span>All accepted papers will appear in conference proceedings published by the <span class=″style691″><span style=″color: black;″>IEEE</span></span><span style=″color: black;″> Computer Society and will be indexed by both</span><span style=″color: red;″> <span class=″style691″>EI</span></span><span style=″color: black;″> Compendex and<span class=″style691″><span style=″color: black;″> </span><font color=″#ff0000″>ISTP</font></span>. S<span class=″style21″>elected best papers will be recommended to publish in following SCI–E and EI Compendex journals, but those authors also need to give a presentation in the conference.</span></span></font></span></p> <p style=″margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; line–height: 14pt; text–align: justify;″><span style=″color: black; font–family: ′Times New Roman′;″ lang=″EN–US″><font size=″3″> </font></span></p>
Deadline Paper
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