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<p class=&#8243;just&#8243;>The focus of this workshop is on all aspects of cryptographic hardware and security in embedded systems&#046; The workshop is a forum for new results from the research community as well as from the industry&#046; Of special interest are contributions that describe new methods for secure and efficient hardware implementations, and high&#8211;speed or leak&#8211;resistant software for embedded systems, e&#046;g&#046; smart cards, microprocessors, DSPs, etc&#046; The workshop helps to bridge the gap between the cryptography research community and the application areas of cryptography&#046; Consequently, we encourage submissions from academia, industry, and other organizations&#046; All submitted papers will be reviewed&#046; The topics of CHES 2009 include but are not limited to</p> <em>Cryptographic Hardware</em> <ul><li>Hardware architectures for public&#8211;key &amp; secret&#8211;key cryptography</li><li>Special&#8211;purpose hardware for cryptanalysis</li><li>Cryptographic processors and co&#8211;processors </li><li>Hardware accelerators for security protocols (security processors, network processors, etc&#046;)</li><li>True and pseudorandom number generators</li><li>Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs)</li></ul><br><em>Cryptographic Software for Embedded Systems</em> <ul><li>Efficient software implementations of cryptography for embedded processors </li><li>Efficient and secure implementations of cryptography using multiprocessor cores</li><li>Cryptographic libraries</li><li>Cryptographic algorithms targeting embedded devices</li></ul><br><em>Attacks Against Implementations and Countermeasures Against These Attacks</em> <ul><li>Side channel attacks and countermeasures</li><li>Faults and fault models for cryptographic devices</li><li>Fault attacks and countermeasures</li><li>Hardware tamper resistance</li><li>Trojan hardware</li></ul><br><em>Tools and Methodologies</em> <ul><li>Computer aided cryptographic engineering</li><li>Methodologies and environments for fair comparison of hardware and software efficiency of cryptographic algorithms, architectures, and implementations</li><li>Partial and run&#8211;time reconfiguration of cryptographic systems</li><li>Reliability and fault tolerance in cryptography and cryptanalysis</li><li>Architectures for trusted computing</li></ul><br><em>Applications &amp; Implementation Environments</em> <ul><li>Cryptography in wireless applications (mobile phone, WLANs, etc&#046;)</li><li>Cryptography for pervasive computing (RFID, sensor networks, etc&#046;)</li><li>FPGA design security </li><li>Hardware IP protection and anti&#8211;counterfeiting techniques</li><li>Reconfigurable hardware for cryptography</li><li>Smart card processors, systems and applications</li><li>Security in commercial consumer applications (pay&#8211;TV, automotive, etc&#046;)</li><li>Secure storage devices (memories, disks, etc&#046;)</li><li>Technologies and hardware for content protection</li><li>Security for embedded software and systems</li></ul> <h3><a name=&#8243;instructions&#8243;>Instructions for Authors</a></h3> <!&#8211;&#8211;<p><i><b>The submission deadline for CHES 2007 has passed&#046;</b></i></p>&#8211;&#8211;> <!&#8211;&#8211;<p>Authors are invited to submit original papers in PDF format at the <a href=&#8243;https://s1&#046;iacr&#046;org/websubrev/ches2008/submit/&#8243;>electronic submission site</a>&#046; Instructions and details of the submission process are posted on that site&#046;</p>&#8211;&#8211;> <p class=&#8243;just&#8243;>Authors are invited to submit original papers via electronic submission&#046; Details of the electronic submission procedure will be posted here when the system is activated, <em>a month</em> before the submission deadline&#046;</p> <p class=&#8243;just&#8243;>The submission must be <strong>anonymous</strong>, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references&#046; It should begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords&#046; The paper should be at most 12 pages (excluding the bibliography and clearly marked appendices), and at most 15 pages in total, using at least 11&#8211;point font and reasonable margins&#046; Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits&#046; All submissions will be blind&#8211;refereed&#046;</p> <p><b>Policy against double submission</b></p> <p class=&#8243;just&#8243;>Only original research contributions will be considered&#046; Submissions that substantially duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere, or have submitted in parallel to any other conferences or workshops that have proceedings, <em>will be instantly rejected</em>&#046; Moreover, authors should be aware that the <a href=&#8243;http://www&#046;iacr&#046;org/irregular&#046;html&#8243; target=&#8243;_blank&#8243;>IACR Policy on Irregular Submissions</a> will be strictly enforced&#046;</p>