<h3><span style=″font–size: 14pt;″ lang=″EN–US″>CONFERENCE INFORMATION</span></h3> <p class=″MsoNormal″><span lang=″EN–US″>KSCO – Knowledge Systems For Coalition Operations is an international working group exploring research in Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations. KSCO regularly organizes a technical conference where practitioners and key decision makers in coalition operations management meet and discuss with researchers from areas of knowledge–based systems, planning and multi–agent systems, exchange experience and ideas, share inspiration and suggest novel concepts. It can also lead to joint project proposals.<span style=″″> </span>After successful events in Edinburgh, UK, Toulouse, France, Prague, Czech Republic, and Waltham, MA, USA, the next KSCO event is to be held in Southampton, UK. </span></p> <p class=″MsoNormal″><span lang=″EN–US″>KSCO–09 welcomes submission of original research and application papers related to coalition operations management.<span style=″″> </span>Both full–length (10 page) and poster session (4 page) submissions are welcome.<span style=″″> </span>We will review theoretical, experimental, methodological papers, but we are especially interested in case studies, prototype evaluations and application reports. KSCO organizers particularly encourage submission of reports presenting larger coalition related national and international projects and programs.<span style=″″> </span>Authors wishing to present emerging efforts, especially student projects, are encouraged to submit papers for the poster session.<span style=″″> </span>Key KSCO topics include: </span></p> <ul type=″disc″><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Deployed systems, case studies </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Innovative theory and techniques for coalition formation </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Requirements for knowledge–based coalition planning and operations </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Knowledge–based approaches to command and control </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Knowledge–based approaches to coalition logistics </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Applications and requirements for knowledge–based coalition planning </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Knowledge–based approaches to Operations–Other–Than–War </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Multi–agent systems and the concept of agency in coalitions </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Tools and techniques for knowledge–based simulation and modeling of coalition operations </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Security and maintenance of private information or knowledge in coalition operations </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Autonomous vs. centrally managed coalition operations </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Mobility, agile and autonomous computing in coalition operation </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Complexity issues and scalability in coalition operations </span></li><li class=″MsoNormal″ style=″″><span lang=″EN–US″>Cross–cultural issues in coalition operations</span></li></ul> <span style=″font–size: 10pt; font–family: Times;″ lang=″EN–US″><br style=″page–break–before: always;″ clear=″all″> </span>
Deadline Paper
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