<font face=″Times New Roman, Times, serif″ size=″–0″><font size=″+1″> Welcome!<br>The IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference provides an international forum for sharing experience, new ideas, and developments in design, operation, analysis, and practical application and optimization of electric energy and drive systems and their components. IEMDC is a venue for users, designers and manufacturers, and analysts of electric machines and drives and their related power electronics and controls including all varieties and sizes of electric machinery. Practical applications, operations, maintenance, and the development and harmonizing of international standards related to electric machines and drives are also of interest. The conference is jointly sponsored by the IEEE Power and Energy, Industrial Electronics, Industry Applications, and Power Electronics Societies. Several tutorials in the form of full day and half day short courses will be offered during the day on May 3, 2009.<br>In addition to the subjects identified above, the conference will have papers and plenary presentations by recognized experts to highlight various aspects of electric machines and drives, such as automotive applications, renewable and alternate energy applications. Of interest are topics related to PM and IPM motor drive systems, fault tolerant operation and survivability, diagnostics and prognostics of machine drive systems, bearing currents, sensorless methods, and turbogenerator operation and maintenance. Also of interest are papers in areas including novel designs and applications of machines and drives, hybrid electric vehicles, naval and aircraft power systems. Papers addressing these and related topics are encouraged.</font></font>
United States
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