<P><FONT face=Arial>CDN<B>Live!</B> is a global series of technical conferences where Cadence� technology users and other industry experts can network and exchange ideas. At CDN<B>Live!</B> events, you have a unique opportunity to strengthen business relationships while discovering holistic solutions to your design challenges.</FONT> </P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 12pt"><U><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: black; FONT–FAMILY: Arial">CDN<B style="mso–bidi–font–weight: normal">Live!</B> EMEA 2009</SPAN></U><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: black; FONT–FAMILY: Arial"> (<A href="http://www.cadence.com/cdnlive/eu/2009/pages/default.asp… color=#800080>http://www.cadence.com/cdnlive/eu/2009/pages/default.asp…;) takes place from </SPAN><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold">18–20 May 2009 and will be held at the </SPAN><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas–microsoft–com:office:smarttags" /><st1:PlaceName><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold">Hilton</SPAN></st1:PlaceName><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold"> </SPAN><st1:PlaceName><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold">Munich</SPAN></st1:PlaceName><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold"> </SPAN><st1:PlaceType><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold">Park</SPAN></st1:PlaceType><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold"> in </SPAN><st1:place><st1:City><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold">Munich</SPAN></st1:City><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold">, </SPAN><st1:country–region><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold">Germany</SPAN></st1:country–region></st1:place><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial; mso–bidi–font–weight: bold">.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas–microsoft–com:office:office" /></SPAN></P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 12pt"><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial">CDN<B>Live!</B> EMEA 2009 is the premier conference in the EMEA region, bringing together Cadence® technology users, developers, and industry experts to educate and energize you.<BR>This event offers you the opportunity to investigate challenges and synthesize solutions with people who, like you, are excited about trends and possibilities in electronic design. </SPAN></P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; mso–outline–level: 5"><B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 10.5pt; COLOR: #343434; FONT–FAMILY: Arial">2009 Conference Highlights</SPAN></B></P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LINE–HEIGHT: 12pt; mso–margin–top–alt: auto; mso–margin–bottom–alt: auto"><B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial">Papers:</SPAN></B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial"> Choose from papers addressing all aspects of logic design, verification, implementation, custom design, package design, and PCB design—from today′s successes to tomorrow′s possibilities. Power users and Cadence experts will share their results and explain how they used Cadence technology to their advantage. </SPAN></P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LINE–HEIGHT: 12pt; mso–margin–top–alt: auto; mso–margin–bottom–alt: auto"><B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial">Techtorials:</SPAN></B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial"> Participate in a variety of interactive and hands–on techtorials to get a more in–depth look at specific Cadence products, new solutions, and feature enhancements. </SPAN></P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LINE–HEIGHT: 12pt; mso–margin–top–alt: auto; mso–margin–bottom–alt: auto"><B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial">Roadmaps:</SPAN></B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial"> Hear Cadence product roadmaps and strategies for the future. </SPAN></P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LINE–HEIGHT: 12pt; mso–margin–top–alt: auto; mso–margin–bottom–alt: auto"><B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial">Cadence technology demos:</SPAN></B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial"> See demonstrations of the latest Cadence products, flows, and methodologies. Talk directly with the Cadence people who develop the solutions you rely on to create innovative designs. </SPAN></P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LINE–HEIGHT: 12pt; mso–margin–top–alt: auto; mso–margin–bottom–alt: auto"><B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial">Keynote speakers:</SPAN></B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial"> Hear from industry leaders who influence change and drive innovation in the global electronics marketplace. They will address product announcements and discuss industry trends to help you prepare for the future. </SPAN></P> <P class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; LINE–HEIGHT: 12pt; mso–margin–top–alt: auto; mso–margin–bottom–alt: auto"><B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial">Designer Expo:</SPAN></B><SPAN lang=EN–US style="FONT–SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: #3f3f3f; FONT–FAMILY: Arial"> Explore new solutions from a variety of exhibitors and learn about the solutions they have developed jointly with Cadence. Find out how others are using Cadence technology to free up engineering resources for what matters most—innovation.</SPAN></P> <P><BR><B>Keywords:</B> logic design, verification, implementation, custom design, package design, and PCB design</P>
Start Date
End Date