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<h6><span style="font&#8211;size: 10pt; font&#8211;family: Helvetica;">Conference Overview</span></h6> <h6>The International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education (MSE) is dedicated to furthering undergraduate and graduate education in designing and building innovative microelectronic systems&#046;</h6> <h6>The conference is held in the <st1:country&#8211;region w:st="on">U&#046;S&#046;</st1:country&#8211;region> on odd <span class="GramE">years,</span> and in <st1:place w:st="on">Europe</st1:place> on even years, when it is called the European Workshop on Microelectronics Education&#046; This conference provides an excellent opportunity for educators and industry to work together to ensure continued excellence in the field of microelectronic systems&#046;</h6> <!&#8211;&#8211; <h3><a style="color: rgb(102, 0, 0); font&#8211;family: Helvetica,Arial,sans&#8211;serif;" href="MSE07sched&#046;pdf"><b> Detailed Schedule (pdf)</b></a></p></h3> &#8211;&#8211;> <h6><span style="font&#8211;size: 10pt; font&#8211;family: Helvetica;">Tentative Program Overview</span></h6> <h6><span class="GramE">Saturday July 25, all day &#8211; tutorials and workshops conducted by corporate patrons of MSE09&#046;</span> </h6> <h6>Sunday July 26, all day &#8211; invited speakers, contributed papers, two poster sessions and buffet meals for lunch and dinner&#046;</h6> <h6>Monday July 27, morning &#8211; additional invited speakers and contributed papers&#046;</h6> <h6>Monday July 27, afternoon &#8211; demonstrations at the <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:placename w:st="on">DAC</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">University</st1:placetype></st1:place> Booth </h6> <h6><span style="font&#8211;size: 10pt; font&#8211;family: Helvetica;">Keynote Speakers:</span></h6> <h6>Prof&#046; David Patterson, UC Berkeley</h6> <h6>Prof&#046; Patrick Dewilde, TU Munchen</h6> <h6>Prof&#046; T&#046; N&#046; Vijaykumar, Purdue Univ&#046;</h6>