San Francisco
United States
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<pre>Mastering the Complexity of Computer&#8211;Based Systems<br>CONFERENCE AND WORKSHOPS: ECBS 2009 will be the 16th formal IEEE sponsored<br>meeting dedicated to formulating and advancing methods, techniques and tools<br>for the engineering of computer&#8211;based systems&#046; The conference is devoted<br>to the design, development, deployment, and analysis of complex systems<br>whose behavior is largely determined or controlled by computers&#046; Such<br>systems are characterized by functional, performance, and reliability<br>requirements that mandate the tight integration of information processing<br>and physical processes&#046;<br>ECBS encompasses many facets: system modeling, requirements specification,<br>simulation, architectures, communications, safety, security, reliability,<br>software, hardware, human computer interfacing, system integration,<br>verification and validation and project management&#046; Effectively, ECBS spans<br>and integrates several engineering disciplines including software, hardware,<br>and communications into a complete engineering discipline&#046;<br>ECBS 2009 will be held in the Parc 55 Hotel in San Francisco, co&#8211;<br>located with CPS Week, and EASe&#046;<br>The program for ECBS this year covers a variety of topics related to computer<br>based system design, including<br>o Adaptive Computing<br>o Architectures<br>o Autonomic Systems<br>o Co&#8211;design<br>o Component&#8211;Based System Design<br>o Design Evolution<br>o Distributed Systems Design<br>o ECBS Infrastructure (Tools, Environments)<br>o Embedded Real&#8211;Time Software Systems<br>o Formal Methods<br>o Lifecycle Processes and Process Evolution<br>o Integration Engineering<br>o Model&#8211;Based System Development<br>o Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems<br>o Open Systems<br>o Product&#8211;Families Models and Architectures<br>o Reengineering &amp; Reuse<br>o Reliability, Safety, Dependability, Security<br>o Requirements Elicitation and Analysis<br>o System Assessment, Testing and Metrics<br>o Verification &amp; Validation<br>ECBS 2009 is co&#8211;located with the 6th IEEE Workshop on the Engineering of<br>Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (EASe 09)&#046;<br>ECBS is proud to sponsor the 7th IEEE Workshop on Model&#8211;Based Development for<br>Computer Based Systems (MBD 09)&#046;<br>ECBS registration includes registration for both EASe and MBD workshops&#046;<br>For more information see <a href="http://www&#046;ece&#046;usu&#046;edu/ecbs09">http://www&#046;ece&#046;… direct comments/suggestions to ecbs09@engineering&#046;usu&#046;edu<br>ORGANIZING COMMITTEE<br>General Chair: Ted Bapty<br>Program Chair: Brandon Eames<br>Finance Chair: Jonathan Sprinkle<br>Publication Chair: Roy Sterritt<br>Local Arrangements Chair: Branislav Kusy<br>2008 General Chair: Roy Sterritt<br>STEERING COMMITTEE:<br>Jerzy Rozenblit, John Leaney, Matthias Riebisch, Stephanie White,<br>Byron Purves, Roy Sterritt, Miroslav Sveda</pre>