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<pre>Following the previous successful events, ICPADS 2009 will be held in<br>Shenzhen, China&#046; Shenzhen is a beautiful coastal garden city in South<br>China situated just across the border from Hong Kong&#046;<br>The conference provides an international forum for scientists,<br>engineers, and users to exchange and share their experiences, new<br>ideas, and latest research results on all aspects of parallel and<br>distributed systems&#046; All papers accepted for ICPADS 2009 conference<br>will appear in the Proceedings of ICPADS 2009, which is<br>to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press&#046;<br>Papers are solicited&#046; Topics of particular interest include, but are<br>not limited to :<br>* Parallel and Distributed Applications and Algorithms<br>* High Performance Computational Biology and Bioinformatics<br>* Multi&#8211;core and Multithreaded Architectures<br>* Power&#8211;aware Computing<br>* Distributed and Parallel Operating Systems<br>* Resource Management and Scheduling<br>* Peer&#8211;to&#8211;Peer Computing<br>* Cluster and Grid Computing<br>* Web&#8211;based Computing and Service&#8211;Oriented Architecture<br>* Communication and Networking Systems<br>* Wireless and Mobile Computing<br>* Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks<br>* Security and Privacy<br>* Dependable and Trustworthy Computing and Systems<br>* Real&#8211;Time and Multimedia Systems<br>* Performance Modeling and Evaluation</pre>