United States
Deadline Paper
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<p>Welcome to the website of IEEE CBMS 2009, the 22 nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer&#8211;Based Medical Systems&#046;</p> <p> CBMS 2009 has developed into an international forum for discussion on latest research in the exciting niche area of computational biomedicine&#046; It consists of regular and special track oral presentation sessions of peer reviewed articles as well as invited talks given by leading scholars and scientists&#046;</p> <p> IEEE CBMS 2009 will be held on the premises of <a href="http://mcmelegantealbuquerque&#046;com/">MCM Elegante Hotel</a> located in the heart of Albuquerque, minutes away from all local attractions and downtown Albuquerque&#046; The symposium will be co&#8211;sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society (Technical Committee on Computational Medicine &#8211; TCCM) and the <a href="http://www&#046;depts&#046;ttu&#046;edu/coe/">Texas Tech University (TTU) </a><a class="l" onmousedown="return clk(this&#046;href,&#8242;&#8242;,&#8242;&#8242;,&#8242;res&#8242;,&#8242;1&#8242;,&#8242;&#8242;)" href="http://www&#046;depts&#046;ttu&#046;edu/coe/">Edward E&#046; Whitacre Jr&#046; College of Engineering</a> and held in cooperation with the <a href="http://www&#046;acm&#046;org/">Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)</a> and <a href="http://www&#046;sigapp&#046;org/">ACM /SIGAPP</a>&#046; </p> <p>In these trying economic times, we have tried very hard to hold the line on prices while offering a pleasant, high&#8211;quality conference&#046; Our keynote speakers, Dr&#046; Carl Jaffe and Dr&#046; Vince Calhoun, will provide exciting personal insight into our field&#046; CBMS2009 will provide a welcome reception Sunday night, and full meals and breaks through the close of the conference on Tuesday afternoon&#046; The MCM Elegante is a nice yet reasonably priced facility&#046; Air access into Albuquerque is quite good – Southwest, American, United, Delta, Continental, US Air, and other carriers offer many daily flights&#046;</p>