Deadline Paper
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End Date

The proposed workshop will build upon the success of the ICSE 2008 Software Engineering in Healthcare track&#046; The need for the effective infusion of technology into the healthcare domain is widely recognized, and has been for a long time already a focus in the Medical Informatics community (see for example <a href="http://www&#046;mie2008&#046;org/&quot; target="_blank">MIE</a>)&#046; The technology infusion induces many computer science issues which have been recently the subject of a number of diverse workshops (e&#046;g&#046; the <a href="http://qe&#8211;informatik&#046;uibk&#046;ac&#046;at/mothis2008/&quot; target="_blank">MOTHIS series</a>, and the <a href="http://www&#046;icsoft&#046;org/EHST&#046;htm&quot; target="_blank">2nd Int&#046; Workshop on e&#8211;Health Services and Technologies</a>)&#046; This workshop focuses specifically on the software engineering issues arising in the healthcare domain&#046; The ICSE 2008 track identified many of these issues&#046; But it was also clear that a lot of work was just beginning&#046; This workshop is intended to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in software engineering issues in this exciting and important area, and to enable this growing community to sharpen the definition of the key issues&#046;