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<pre>The conference aims at bringing together researchers and developers<br>interested in the area of programming languages&#046; The conference addresses<br>all paradigms of programming languages: imperative, object&#8211;oriented,<br>functional, logic, concurrent, parallel, or graphical programming<br>languages, as well as languages to support the implementation of<br>distributed systems and concepts for the integration of different<br>paradigms&#046; The first three Working Conferences on Programming Languages<br>took place as part of the annual computer science conferences<br>in Germany (Aachen 1997, Paderborn 1999, Ulm 2004)&#046;<br>Typical but not exclusive topics are:<br>* Design of programming languages as well as domain&#8211;specific languages<br>* Implementation and optimization techniques<br>* Analysis and transformation of programs<br>* Type systems<br>* Semantics and specification techniques<br>* Modelling languages, object orientation<br>* Internet programming<br>* Verification of programs and implementations<br>* Tools and programming environments<br>* Frameworks, architectures, generative approaches<br>* Experiences with specific applications<br>* Relations between languages, architectures, processors<br>Techniques, methods, concepts, and tools to improve the safety<br>and reliability of programs are also of interest&#046; The conference<br>also welcomes contributions from enterprises&#046;<br></pre>