<pre>Reliability, safety, and security are among the most critical<br>requirements of contemporary software. The application of software<br>engineering methods, tools, and languages all interrelate to affect how<br>and whether these requirements are met.<br>Such software is in operation in many domains of application. Much has<br>been accomplished in recent years, but much remains to be done. Our<br>tools, methods, and languages must be continually refined; our<br>management process must remain focused on the importance of<br>reliability, safety, and security; our educational institutions must<br>fully integrate these concerns into their curricula.<br>The conference will gather industrial and government experts,<br>educators, software engineers, and researchers interested in<br>developing, analyzing, and certifying reliable, safe, secure software.<br>We are soliciting technical papers and experience reports with a focus<br>on, or comparison with, Ada.<br>The conference is especially interested in experience in integrating<br>these concepts into the instructional process at all levels.<br>TECHNICAL ARTICLES present significant results in research, practice,<br>or education. Articles are typically 10–20 pages in length. These<br>papers will be double–blind refereed and published in the Conference<br>Proceedings and in ACM Ada Letters. The Proceedings will be entered<br>into the widely–consulted ACM Digital Library accessible online to<br>university campuses, ACM′s 80,000 members, and the software community.<br>EXTENDED ABSTRACTS discuss current work for which early submission of a<br>full paper may be premature. If your abstract is accepted, you will be<br>expected to produce a full paper, which will appear in the<br>proceedings. Extended abstracts will be double–blind refereed. In 5<br>pages or less, clearly state the works contribution, its relationship<br>with previous work by you and others (with bibliographic references),<br>results to date, and future directions.<br>EXPERIENCE REPORTS present timely results on the application of Ada and<br>related technologies. Submit a 1–2 page description of the project and<br>the key points of interest of project experiences. Descriptions will<br>be published in the final program or proceedings, but a paper will not<br>be required.<br>PANEL SESSIONS gather a group of experts on a particular topic who<br>present their views and then exchange views with each other and the<br>audience. Panel proposals should be 1–2 pages in length, identifying<br>the topic, coordinator, and potential panelists.<br>WORKSHOPS are focused work sessions, which provide a forum for<br>knowledgeable professionals to explore issues, exchange views, and<br>perhaps produce a report on a particular subject. A list of planned<br>workshops and requirements for participation will be published in the<br>Advance Program. Workshop proposals, up to 5 pages in length, will be<br>selected by the Program Committee based on their applicability to the<br>conference and potential for attracting participants.<br>TUTORIALS offer the flexibility to address a broad spectrum of topics<br>relevant to Ada, and those enabling technologies which make the<br>engineering of Ada applications more effective. Submissions will be<br>evaluated based on relevance, suitability for presentation in tutorial<br>format, and presenters expertise. Tutorial proposals should include<br>the expected level of experience of participants, an abstract or<br>outline, the qualifications of the instructor(s), and the length of the<br>tutorial (half–day or full–day). Tutorial presenters receive<br>complimentary registration to the other tutorials and the conference.</pre>
Tampa Bay
United States
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