Deadline Paper
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<span class="style2">The ATS&#8242;09 Program Committee invites original, unpublished paper submissions on the above topics&#046; Paper submissions should be complete manuscripts, not exceeding six pages (including figures, tables, and bibliography) in a standard IEEE two&#8211;column format&#046; Authors should clearly explain the significance of the work, highlight novel features, and describe its current status&#046; On the title page, please include: author name(s) and affiliation(s), and the mailing address, phone number, fax number, and e&#8211;mail address of the contact author&#046; A 50&#8211;words abstract and five keywords are also required&#046; All submissions are to be made electronically through the ATS’09 website&#046; Electronic submissions in PDF files are strongly recommended&#046; Detailed instructions for submissions are to be found at the ATS’09 website&#046;<br></span> <p align="justify"><span class="style2">The submission will be considered evidence that upon acceptance the author(s) will prepare the final manuscript (6 pages for regular session) in time for inclusion in the proceedings and will present the paper at the Symposium&#046;</span></p>