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<pre>The Software Measurement European Forum 2009 is the sixth edition of a<br>successful event for the software measurement community&#046; In 2009, SMEF<br>will be located in Rome, Italy&#046; SMEF aspires to be a leading<br>worldwide event for experience interchange and knowledge improving on<br>a subject that is critical for the ICT governance&#046;<br>Mission<br>The Software Measurement European Forum will provide an opportunity<br>for the publication and presentation of the latest researches,<br>industrial experiences, case studies, tutorials, best practices on<br>software measurement and estimation&#046; This includes measurement<br>education, methods, tools, processes, standards and the practical<br>application of measures for project and service management, risk<br>management, contractual and improvement purposes&#046; Practitioners from<br>different countries will share their experience and discuss current<br>problems and solutions related to the ICT Governance based on software<br>metrics&#046;<br>2009 Event focus: Making software measurement be actually used<br>Although software measurement is a young discipline, it has quickly<br>evolved and many problems has been adequately solved in conceptual<br>frameworks&#046; Available methods, standards and tools are certainly<br>mature enough to be effectively used to manage the software production<br>processes (development, maintenance and service<br>providing)&#046; Unfortunately only few organizations, compared to the<br>potential interested target, have brought the measurement process from<br>theory to practice&#046; We are soliciting contributions in order to<br>analyse causes and possible solutions to the problem of measurement as<br>a "useful but not used" capability&#046; Papers are welcome to provide<br>guidance to establish and actually using a roadmap for covering the<br>distance from theory to practice&#046;<br>This year the Program Committee is soliciting papers focused only in<br>the following areas:<br>&#8211; Focus Area : Making software measurement be actually used<br>(this will receive a special attention in the conference agenda)<br>&#8211; How to integrate Software Measurement into Software Production<br>Processes<br>&#8211; Measurement&#8211;driven decision making processes<br>&#8211; Data Reporting and dashboards<br>&#8211; Software measurement and Balanced Scorecard approaches<br>&#8211; Service measurement methods (SLA and KPI)<br>&#8211; Software measurement in contractual agreements<br>&#8211; Software measurement and standard process models (ITIL, ASL, &#046;&#046;&#046;)<br>&#8211; Software measurement and Software Maturity Models (CMM&#8211;I, SPICE, Six<br>Sigma, &#046;&#046;&#046;)<br>&#8211; Software measurement in a SOA environment<br>&#8211; Functional size measurement methods (IFPUG and COSMIC tracks)<br>&#8211; (Software) Measurement to control risks<br>&#8211; Software Reuse metrics<br>Only original papers will be accepted&#046;<br>Event organisation<br>Conference Chairperson: Roberto Meli (DPO / Data Processing Organization)&#046;<br>Conference Executive Manager: Cristina Ferrarotti (IIR / Istituto<br>Internazionale di Ricerca)&#046;<br>Program Committee Chairperson: Ton Dekkers (Galorath International Ltd)&#046;<br>Abstract submission<br>Abstracts should conform to the attached standard&#046; They must be sent<br>to the e&#8211;mail address specified, within the stated deadline&#046;<br>Paper submission<br>If the abstract is preliminarily accepted then the author will receive<br>a template to use for paper submission and eventually for publication<br>together with an example that describes the guidelines for the writing<br>or enhancing of the paper&#046; The event program definition and printed<br>publishing will be based on the accepted abstracts&#046; The conference<br>website will contain updated information on the agenda&#046; The final<br>acceptance of the contributions will be based on a papers review<br>process that will eventually confirm the preliminary acceptance based<br>on the abstracts analysis&#046; There will be no guarantee that an abstract<br>acceptance will lead to a paper acceptance&#046; This is made in order to<br>improve the quality of contributions and to increase event success<br>factors&#046; An author may participate with one or more papers to the<br>conference but only one speech per author will be allowed&#046;<br>The major limitations for papers are: papers should be in English and<br>should preferable not exceed 12 pages (using the template)&#046;<br>Proceedings<br>The proceedings will be published in the format of a printed book with<br>an ISBN code&#046; Proceedings will also be published in the SMEF web site&#046;<br>Paper presentation<br>The program committee will tailor the conference program based on the<br>quality and number of (accepted) contributions&#046; When accepted, the<br>available time for a presentation is 30 minutes including 5 minutes<br>for questions&#046; Primary presentation language will be English, a<br>simultaneous translation to Italian will be available&#046; Italian is the<br>secondary language with simultaneous translation to English&#046;<br>Speakers duties and fees<br>Speakers must be registered in advance in order for their<br>contributions to be accepted in the program&#046; A special fee of 450 EUR<br>will be granted to them for the two days conference<br>attendance&#046; Co&#8211;authors may attend the forum at the same fee of<br>speakers&#046;</pre>