<font><font size="–1"><p class="MsoNormal" style="margin–bottom: 6pt; text–align: justify; font–family: Helvetica,Arial,sans–serif;">Model driven software development approaches (MDE, MDA, MDD) have matured and grown out from an academic research community to gain wider industrial adoption. They are now perceived as one of the mainstream technologies to improve the productivity of software teams and the quality of products.</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin–bottom: 6pt; text–align: justify; font–family: Helvetica,Arial,sans–serif;">The 7th Nordic Workshop on Model Driven Software Engineering brings together industry practitioners and academic researchers to share experiences and latest research on model driven software engineering and development. This year the workshop places special emphasis in facilitating dialogue between industry and the academia. Therefore, in addition to research papers, the workshop is looking forward to bringing in industrial presentations on both the experiences and open research problems related to model driven software development.</p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin–bottom: 6pt; text–align: justify; font–family: Helvetica,Arial,sans–serif;">Like its predecessors, the workshop intends to present experiences and ongoing research in software engineering and model driven engineering in particular, function as a platform for establishing co–operative research projects between the participants in the region and working on joint topics of interest and research papers, and provide an open forum with ample of time set aside for discussions.</p></font></font>
co-located in Tampere
Deadline Paper
Start Date
End Date