<p style="line–height: normal; margin–bottom: 0pt;" class="EC_MsoNormal"><span style="font–family: ′Times New Roman′,′serif′;">We have received overwhelming response of over 700 abstracts for this ICCE–17 Honolulu conference. The list of accepted paper titles can be found in web (wait a several days for computer to update the web), </span><span style="font–family: ′Times New Roman′,′serif′; font–size: 12pt;">The conference web is,</span><span style="font–family: ′Times New Roman′,′serif′; font–size: 12pt;"> </span><a href="https://casa.uno.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=529514b175ad40aab7…; target="_blank"><span style="font–family: ′Times New Roman′,′serif′; font–size: 12pt;">www.uno.edu/~engr/composite</span></a><span style="font–family: ′Times New Roman′,′serif′; font–size: 12pt;"></span></p> <p style="line–height: normal; margin–bottom: 0pt;" class="EC_MsoNormal"><span style="font–family: ′Times New Roman′,′serif′; font–size: 9pt;"> </span></p> <p style="line–height: normal; margin–bottom: 0pt;" class="EC_MsoNormal"><span style="font–family: ′Times New Roman′,′serif′;">We are still accepting NEW paper titles at ICCE–17 Honolulu, so please inform interested friends.</span></p> <p style="line–height: normal; margin–bottom: 0pt;" class="EC_MsoNormal"><span style="font–family: ′Times New Roman′,′serif′;"> </span></p> <p style="line–height: normal; margin–bottom: 0pt;" class="EC_MsoNormal"><span style="font–family: ′Times New Roman′,′serif′;">Interested authors should submit detailed two page abstract to David Hui, each page has two column format, and abstract must have as many results as possible. All abstracts will be reviewed and published as short papers in World Journal of Engineering. We allow only one paper per presenter. We prefer presenter as lead author. </span></p>
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