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In support of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) objectives and as a space component of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), CEOS has developed the concept of virtual space&#8211;based Constellations&#046; The Constellation concept builds upon or serves to focus existing projects and activities and provides a means to maximize the value of existing space assets among partners&#046; A goal of a Constellation is to demonstrate that added value can result through partnership among the space agencies and their supported institutions&#046;<br>The Atmospheric Composition Constellation (ACC) focuses on observations needed for understanding and to improve predictive capabilities for changes in the ozone layer, climate forcing, and air quality&#046; At the present time, ten space agencies are collaborating in ACC and have established three projects to demonstrate how added value can be obtained by combining satellite data sets&#046; These initial projects are directed towards applications which focus on GEO Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) including Air Qaulity&#046; Human industrial activities including the combustion of fossil fuels, land&#8211;use and biomass burning, lead to the emission of gases and particles, which pollute the air&#046; Once aloft, air pollution can travel long distances and as a result, it is a global problem&#046;<br>Air Quality monitoring at urban and regional scale is typically performed using in&#8211;situ measurements and regional models&#046; Space&#8211;borne measurements provide now global coverage complementing in&#8211;situ data&#046;<br>The purpose of this ACC&#8211;Workshop is: <ul><li>to review the current accuracy of space based tropospheric measurements (in particular sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone and particulate matter) </li><li>to see if existing satellite measurements are already able to provide value&#8211;adding information to air quality monitoring in addition to in&#8211;situ data </li><li>to review the need of future space based air quality monitoring missions&#046;</li></ul>This workshop will be organised around oral presentations of experts in atmospheric satellite retrieval and data assimilation (combining ground&#8211;based and satellite measurements), and end –users, who monitor on regular basis air quality&#046; The workshop outcomes and recommendations will be reported to the CEOS agencies&#046;