<p>Whether Space missions are dedicated to Earth observation, astronomy, Space exploration or future human settlement on planets … they are all subject to a very harsh environment because of the Space vacuum, extreme temperatures and thermal cycling, charged particles, debris, erosion, electromagnetic radiations … or even dust.<br>Apart from the current issue of the Earth’s climate, the Space weather around Earth and other planets and its effects on structures and materials are extremely important for a large community of researchers, scientists and engineers.</p> <p>After more than 50 years of Space exploration, the Space environment and its synergetic effects are still of major concern and need to be known, understood, simulated and anticipated so that they can be integrated in the design of Spacecraft or Space instruments to ensure that they are reliable and also safe for manned flights.</p> <p>The aim of the conference is to promote discussion and an exchange of experiences and information among scientists and engineers involved in many disciplines related to materials in the Space environment.<br>This symposium will focus on the development of new technologies and materials, on the extension of our knowledge of the Space environment and its simulations as well as predicted effects and in–flight measurements of effects on materials.</p> <p>CNES is thus organising this 11th ISMSE along with ESA and ONERA in order to improve our knowledge and optimise Space missions.</p>
Aix en Provence
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