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<p>The 19th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic will be held in Portland, Oregon, USA in summer 2009&#046; The event will open at 9am on Monday June 8th with an invited keynote talk by Dr&#046; David Shaw, founder and Chief Scientist of <a href="http://www&#046;deshawresearch&#046;com/">D&#046; E&#046; Shaw Research</a>&#046; The main part of the symposium will consist of peer&#8211;reviewed technical presentations on all aspects of computer arithmetic&#046; The scientific program will conclude at midday on Wednesday June 10th, followed by a lunch cruise on the Willamette River&#046;</p> <p>Since 1969, the biennial ARITH symposia have served as the primary and reference conference for presenting scientific work on the latest research in computer arithmetic&#046; The topics of the conference include theoretical aspects, number systems, algorithms for operations, implementations and applications of computer arithmetic&#046; See the <a href="http://www&#046;ac&#046;usc&#046;es/arith19/archives">archives</a&gt; page for more information about previous symposia&#046;</p>