San Francisco
United States
Deadline Paper
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The market for embedded processors is driven primarily by two factors: cost and volume&#046; This has forced a reevaluation of the best way to satisfy users&#8242; needs for high performance and low energy consumption without drastically increasing the complexity of the design process&#046; Domain&#8211;specific embedded processors, in markets such as network processing, automotive, and others, have splintered a pre&#8211;existing market for general&#8211;purpose, low&#8211;cost, low&#8211;energy processors&#046; Reprogrammable and reconfigurable embedded processors, in contrast, offer a single, fixed&#8211;silicon device that could amortize manufacturing costs for low&#8211;to&#8211;medium volume market segments&#046; SASP explores (micro)architectural design approaches, trade&#8211;offs and compiler technologies, for both domain&#8211;specific and customizable embedded processors&#046; The symposium is a forum wherein challenges and solutions will be explored, discussed and compared&#046; Major topics include, but are not limited to:<br><ul><li>Domain&#8211;specific processors (Network, multimedia, etc&#046;)</li><li>Application&#8211;specific hardware accelerators</li><li>Microarchitectural customization techniques</li><li>(Re)configurable architectures (coarse&#8211;grained, FPGA, etc&#046;)</li><li>Application&#8211;specific processors in system&#8211;on&#8211;a&#8211;chip (SOC)</li><li>Application&#8211;specific customizations for low&#8211;power</li><li>Applications and/or industrial experience</li><li>Compiler technology targeting customizable processors</li><li>Tools, techniques, and algorithms for architectural exploration</li><li>Novel methodologies for hardware/software codesign</li><li>Application specific MPSoC and design automation for NoCs</li><li>Hardware/software for GPUs and other graphics/gaming platforms</li><li>OS and middleware support for application specific processors</li></ul> The Program Committee invites authors to submit papers up to 8 pages in length, describing original, unpublished work&#046; Published papers will be 6 pages in length, and authors will have the opportunity to purchase up to 2 additional pages for a fee&#046; Papers submitted to SASP must not be under review elsewhere&#046;<br>Papers should clearly describe the nature of the work, explain its significance, highlight novel features, and describe its current status&#046; Paper submission will be considered evidence that, upon acceptance, the author(s) will present their paper at the symposium&#046;<br>Proceedings will appear in the IEEE Digital Library; a special issue in a major ACM or IEEE journal is also planned for the best papers&#046;<br>Electronic submission through the symposium website is required&#046;