Hotel Bedrichov,Spindleruv Mlyn
Deadline Paper
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<pre>SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is the annual international winter conference<br>devoted to the theory and practice of computer science&#046;<br>Its aim is to present the latest developments in research for<br>professionals from academia and industry, working in leading areas of<br>computer science&#046;<br>The SOFSEM program consists of Invited Talks by prominent researchers,<br>Contributed Talks selected by the Program Committee from submitted<br>papers and the Student Research Forum&#046; SOFSEM is organized in plenary<br>and parallel tracks, giving a unique opportunity to obtain an excellent<br>overview of the selected research areas&#046; All tracks are devoted to<br>original research and leading developments&#046;<br>SOFSEM is the ideal conference for presenting new results, for<br>scientific discussions, for establishing personal contacts with<br>colleagues, and for exchanging ideas&#046; SOFSEM is also well&#8211;suited for<br>young computer scientists&#046;</pre>