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<p>Building on the success of the eleventh previous editions (1998&#8211;2009), a special track on coordination models, languages and applications will be held at SAC 2010&#046; Over the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of models, formalisms and mechanisms to describe concurrent and distributed computations and systems based on the concept of coordination&#046; The purpose of a coordination model is to enable the integration of a number of, possibly heterogeneous, components (processes, objects, agents) in such a way that the resulting ensemble can execute as a whole, forming a software system with desired characteristics and functionalities which possibly takes advantage of parallel and distributed systems&#046; The coordination paradigm is closely related to other contemporary software engineering approaches such as multi&#8211;agent systems, service&#8211;oriented architectures, component&#8211;based systems and related middleware platforms&#046; Furthermore, the concept of coordination exists in many other Computer Science areas such as workflow systems, cooperative information systems, distributed artificial intelligence, and internet technologies&#046;</p> <p>After more than a decade of research, the coordination paradigm is gaining increased momentum in state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art engineering paradigms such as multi&#8211;agent systems and service&#8211;oriented architectures: in the first case, coordination abstractions are perceived as essential to design and support the working activities of agent societies; in the latter case, service coordination, orchestration, and choreography are going to be essential aspects of the next generations of systems based on Web services&#046;</p> <p>The Special Track on Coordination Models, Languages and Applications takes a deliberately broad view of what constitutes coordination&#046; Accordingly, major topics of interest this year will include:</p> <ul><li>Novel models, languages, programming and implementation techniques </li><li>Applications of coordination technologies </li><li>Industrial points of view: experiences, applications, open issues </li><li> Internet&#8211; and Web&#8211;based coordinated systems </li><li> Coordination of multi&#8211;agent systems, including mobile agents, intelligent agents, and agent&#8211;based simulations</li><li> Coordination in Service&#8211;oriented architectures and Web Services<br></li><li> Languages for service description and composition<br></li><li> Models, frameworks and tools for Group Decision Making<br></li><li> Modern Workflow Management Systems and Case&#8211;Handling<br></li><li> Coordination in Computer Supported Cooperative Work<br></li><li> Software architectures and software engineering techniques<br></li><li> Configuration and Architecture Description Languages<br></li><li> Coordination Middleware and Infrastructures<br></li><li> Coordination in GRID systems<br></li><li> Self&#8211;Organization&#8211;Based Approaches to Coordination such as Those Based on Swarm and Stigmergy<br></li><li> Coordination technologies, systems and infrastructures<br></li><li> Relationship with other computational models such as object oriented, declarative (functional, logic, constraint), programming or their extensions with coordination capabilities<br></li><li> Formal aspects (semantics, reasoning, verification) </li></ul>