DoubleTree Hotel, San Jose
United States
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<p><span style="font&#8211;size: 10pt; font&#8211;family: Arial; color: rgb(47, 34, 96);"><b style=&#8243;>The IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference is the premier conference devoted to IC development, showcasing original first published technical work and innovative circuit techniques that tackle practical problems&#046; CICC is the conference to find out how to solve design problems and improve circuit design and design techniques&#046;</b></span></p> <b style=&#8243;> </b><p><span style="font&#8211;size: 10pt; font&#8211;family: Arial;" font&#8211;size:10&#046;0pt;font&#8211;family:arial;color:#2f2260=&#8243;><b style=&#8243;>Technical Session paper presentations</b></span><span style="font&#8211;size: 10pt; font&#8211;family: Arial; color: rgb(47, 34, 96);"><br>Education on new, state&#8211;of&#8211;the&#8211;art developments is the core of the CICC technical program&#046; Over 150 papers, addressing a broad range of circuits, applications, design techniques, tools, test and reliability, and system&#8211;on&#8211;a&#8211;chip, will be presented&#046; Awards for Best Paper will be given in both the regular and student submission categories&#046; CICC papers are also eligible for publication consideration in a special issue of the IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits&#046;</span></p>