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<p>This year&#8242;s special theme is "Evolving information systems"&#046; Modern information systems are the result of the interconnection of systems of many organizations, are running in variable contexts, and require both a lightweight approach to interoperability and the capability to actively react to changing requirements and failures&#046; In addition, users of information systems are becoming more and more mobile and ubiquitous, requiring the system to adapt to their varying usage contexts and goals&#046;</p> <p>The evolution of an information system should be a continuous process rather than a single step, and it should be inherently supported by the system itself and the design of the information system should consider evolution as an inherent property of the system&#046; The special events and invited speakers of CAiSE &#8242;10 will shed light on this theme from various perspectives&#046;</p> <p>Goal: CAiSE&#8242;10 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of information systems engineering&#046; CAiSE&#8242;10 invites submissions on the design, development, maintenance, and usage of information systems &#8211; and especially submissions dealing with evolving information systems&#046;</p> <p>The topics of interests include, but are not restricted to:</p> <p>Methodologies and approaches for IS engineering </p><ul><li> Enterprise architecture and enterprise modelling</li><li> Requirements engineering</li><li> Business process modelling and management</li><li> Simulation</li><li> Model, component, and software reuse</li><li> IS reengineering</li><li>Adaptive IS engineering approaches</li><li> Service science</li><li> Knowledge patterns and ontologies for IS engineering</li><li> IS engineering approaches for adaptive and flexible information systems</li><li> IS in networked &amp; virtual organizations</li><li> Method engineering</li></ul> <p>Innovative platforms, architectures and technologies for IS engineering </p><ul><li> Service&#8211;oriented architecture</li><li> Model&#8211;driven architecture</li><li> Component based development</li><li> Agent architecture</li><li> Distributed, mobile, and open architecture</li><li> Innovative database technology</li><li> Semantic web</li><li> IS and ubiquitous technologies</li><li> adaptive and context&#8211;aware IS</li></ul> <p>Engineering of specific kinds of IS: </p><ul><li> eGovernment</li><li> Enterprise systems (ERP, CRM)</li><li> Data warehousing</li><li> Workflow systems</li><li> Knowledge management systems</li><li> Content management systems</li></ul> <p>Quality concerns in IS engineering </p><ul><li> Knowledge, information, and data quality</li><li> Quality of models and their languages</li><li> Usability, security, trust, flexibility, interoperability</li></ul>