Deadline Paper
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<pre>bout the Conference: Software engineering has long been a rewarding<br>ground for professionals from the industry and academia to work<br>together&#046; Over the years, software engineers, developed processes,<br>tools, techniques and evolved best practices that enabled distributed<br>development of quality software&#046; With technological capability and<br>economic incentive, software engineering has become a global phenomenon<br>with the stakeholders spread all over the globe&#046; Today, social and<br>organizational theories are increasingly applied to improve theoretical<br>understanding and drive further developments&#046; The goal of this<br>conference is to elucidate new and emerging ideas and solutions from<br>the business, managerial, technological, empirical, and theoretical<br>perspectives and also to provide a forum for researchers, practitioners<br>and educators to present and discuss the recent innovations, trends,<br>experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering&#046; Two half<br>day pre conference tutorials are planned on the topics of "Requirements<br>&amp; Design" and "Testing &amp; Maintenance"&#046;<br></pre>