SNUG Boston
Boston Marriott Newton Hotel, Newton
United States
Start Date
End Date

<font style="background: rgb(255, 255, 0) none repeat scroll 0% 50%; &#8211;moz&#8211;background&#8211;clip: &#8211;moz&#8211;initial; &#8211;moz&#8211;background&#8211;origin: &#8211;moz&#8211;initial; &#8211;moz&#8211;background&#8211;inline&#8211;policy: &#8211;moz&#8211;initial; color: rgb(255, 0, 0);" color="#ff0000">SNUG is an open forum that provides Synopsys users worldwide with a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss problems and explore solutions&#046; In addition to a highly technical program that focuses on real&#8211;world design challenges, each SNUG event includes interaction with Synopsys executives, product developers and applications consultants about future product directions and product and support quality&#046; Each SNUG is driven by a local Technical Committee, with operational support provided by Synopsys&#046;</font>