<p><strong>The 30th IEEE Real–Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)</strong> in Washington, DC, USA, will follow the format of recent RTSSs, with several tracks. RTSS is the premier conference in the area of real–time computing, presenting innovations in the field with respect to theory and practice.</p> <p>RTSS provides a forum for the presentation of high–quality, original research covering all aspects of real–time systems design, analysis, implementation, evaluation, and case–studies. RTSS′09 continues the trend of making RTSS an expansive and inclusive symposium, looking to embrace new and emerging areas of real–time systems research. </p> <p>RTSS′09 welcomes the submission of mature papers in several areas of real–time computing, including but not limited to scheduling; databases; observability; composability; security for real–time systems; tools and reduction to practice; control and adaptive RT systems theory; testing and debugging; modeling; formal methods; communications (wireless, wireline, and sensor networks); power, thermal, and energy management; embedded systems; sensor and implantable devices; robustness; fault tolerance and robustness; intelligent behavior; time–sensitive robotics; emergency/disaster management; embedded real–time systems and infrastructures; QoS support; real–time systems middleware; cyber–physical systems.</p>
United States
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