<p> In light of the shared research interests of the two communities, IEEE DIGITEL(International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning) and IEEE WMUTE (International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Education) conferences 2010 will be held jointly in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Participants in both conferences will be able to interact and exchange ideas, which we hope will stimulate more exciting ideas for future research. The spurring of interest on deriving pedagogical principles and design from video games and digital toys offers a new angle of viewing design for learning. Technologically, digital games employ advanced computing, multimedia and Internet technology while intelligent toys utilize embedded chips and sensors together with wireless, mobile, and ubiquitous technologies. What new theories are needed to explain the phenomena of learning through digital game and toy–based play? How can we characterize the pedagogies of digital game and toy based learning? How can these technologies be adopted for formal and informal learning settings? Can one really learn meaningfully and deeply from games? More specifically, DIGITEL takes "why to learn" (motivation and engagement) as the fundamental design issue, bringing about the re– investigation of "how well to learn" (learning performance), "what to learn" (domain knowledge), "what to learn with" (computer programs or digital toys, virtual characters or robots), "where to learn" (physical settings or online), and "who to learn with" (individuals or teams), hence extending the horizon of technology enhanced learning research in general. </p> With shared research interest
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